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1 Billion a Day

Panther 57

Aug 18, 2013
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Fact 1: On June 5, Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif took the oath of the prime ministerial office. Fact 2: Soon after coming to power, the PML-N government paid off Rs480 billion worth of accumulated circular debt.

Fact 3: Over the past 330 days, the government has accumulated Rs330 billion worth of brand new circular debt – Rs1 billion per day, every day of the past 11 months.

Argument 1: The government argues that the cost of production of electricity is higher than the sale price – and thus the government ends up accumulating multi billion-rupee circular debt. Why is the government then not doing anything about the cost of production of electricity?

Just consider this: Pakistani Independent Power Producers (IPPs) are consuming up to 24 kg of oil to produce 100 kWh. Internationally, power plants take in 14 kg of oil to produce 100 kWh. Why isn’t the government after the IPPs?

Now consider this: Pakistani IPPs are consuming up to 12,000 BTUs of gas to produce a unit of electricity. In India, they are producing the same unit of electricity by taking in a mere 5,000 BTUs. Why isn’t the government questioning the IPPs?

The government’s only solution to circular debt is the doubling of the electricity tariff for consumers. The PPP government doubled the tariff and got us into more trouble than we were in before the doubling. And now the PML-N government is bent upon doubling the tariff once again. Isn’t that insane? Albert Einstein defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Argument 2: The government also argues that the circular debt is because of ‘theft’. It is true that our line losses are around 25 percent. To be certain, there are two types of lines losses – technical and non-technical. Technical losses are because of old transformers and poor infrastructure. Non-technical losses are essentially ‘theft’.

Well, we haven’t spent much to improve our electricity infrastructure over the past 50 years – and now we have huge technical losses. Yes, there is power theft but even if we manage to imprison each and every power thief in the private sector we would still be left with at least 90 percent of the circular debt.

Conclusion: The government, by design or by default, is focusing on all the wrong places. The government, by design or by default, is missing the elephants in the room. The elephants in the room are the IPPs. The IPPs are gulping down way too much oil. And the IPPs are taking in way too much gas.

The government, by design or by default, is looking at all the wrong places for ‘thieves’. The government-owned generating companies (Gencos) have managed to steal Rs29 billion worth of furnace oil. A total of 1,920 transformers and truckloads of cables have been reported stolen. The federal government, the provincial governments and their departments owe more than Rs200 billion in past bills.

Lo and behold, exactly 482,120 minutes have passed us by over the past 11 months of PML-N rule. And we have been losing Rs1 billion a day the equivalent of Rs41 million per hour or a loss of Rs700,000 per minute every minute of the past 11 months.

Electricity, I have been told, is like faith – “you can’t see it, but you can see the light.”

The writer is a columnist based in Islamabad. Email: farrukh15@hotmail.com Twitter: @saleemfarrukh

@Aeronaut @Spring Onion @jaibi @Azlan Haider @BATMAN @batmnow @Secur @Talon @Alpha1-Loves-Neptune @RASHID MEHMOOD
Just consider this: Pakistani Independent Power Producers (IPPs) are consuming up to 24 kg of oil to produce 100 kWh. Internationally, power plants take in 14 kg of oil to produce 100 kWh. Why isn’t the government after the IPPs?
Now consider this: Pakistani IPPs are consuming up to 12,000 BTUs of gas to produce a unit of electricity. In India, they are producing the same unit of electricity by taking in a mere 5,000 BTUs. Why isn’t the government questioning the IPPs?

The government, by design or by default, is focusing on all the wrong places. The government, by design or by default, is missing the elephants in the room. The elephants in the room are the IPPs. The IPPs are gulping down way too much oil. And the IPPs are taking in way too much gas.

The government, by design or by default, is looking at all the wrong places for ‘thieves’. The government-owned generating companies (Gencos) have managed to steal Rs29 billion worth of furnace oil. A total of 1,920 transformers and truckloads of cables have been reported stolen. The federal government, the provincial governments and their departments owe more than Rs200 billion in past bills
:tup: :tup: :tup:
What is circular debt ??

Does that means taking more debt to pay previous debt or something else ?
What is circular debt ??

Does that means taking more debt to pay previous debt or something else ?
It means the subsidy given on electricity. You generate electricity for 22 cents a unit and sell it for 8-16 cents, the loss is bound to happen?
It means the subsidy given on electricity. You generate electricity for 22 cents a unit and sell it for 8-16 cents, the loss is bound to happen?

And that loss is supported by govt. Treasury ?
What is circular debt ??

Does that means taking more debt to pay previous debt or something else ?

It refers to the debt prevailing among different departments of the government over the power usage charges. for example PEPCO(Pakistan electric power company) supplies power to all the governments departments nd also to KESC but all these do not pay for the power they use. PEPCO in turn has to pay to various IPPs(independent power producers) from where it purchases power but as it dun gets it money so it cant pay to IPPs. IPPs in turn have to pay to oil companies to purchase fuel which they cant pay. so this is a circle of debt due to which power production of IPPs suffer
And that loss is supported by govt. Treasury ?

Circular Debt in theory is as explained by @farhanalee7 but what I explained is a same thing in one line.

You sell electricity in loss, then you have to pay it from your own pocket, you don't have money, the department you are bound to pay has to pay somebody else and that department has to pay somebody else (so it becomes a circle). In the end, like the last time government did, they cleared all the debts of every department by paying from the treasury. Now another 330 billion rupees of circular debt has stood within the first year
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Circular Debt:

Organization 1 gives service to Organization 2 , but bill is not paid by Organization 2
Organization 2 gives service to Organization 3 , but bill is not paid by Ogranization 3
Oganization 3 gives service to Organaization 4, but bill is not paid by Ogranization 4

So Oganization 1 , 2, 3 and 4 all gave services and they are in debt.

Now they need to pay salaries , bills , other stuff and their accounts are low , this is when they come to Government

Government earns Money from Tax Collection
Government earns Money from Exports - Import = Profits or not
Government earns Money from Foriegn Money Transfers to Pakistan

Government Losses cash on entities like PIA , Steeles Milles , Railways broken etc

However having weak Tax system , Government is always making losses

Government gives cash to Organization 4, they pay Organization 3, Organization 3 pays off Organization 2 , and Organization 2 pays off Organization 1

Then Government goes broke as it cannot collect taxes and IMF comes tells us sell off your country
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So where are the fools who are living in ganga's paradise? @Tameem @I FLY HIGH @Fracker

check the mirror.. You will find one.. Reported your post as abuse.


Biased analysist where he said nothing for cheap electricity is done. while there are numerous projects going on, and some are pretty close to completion Like nandi pur project, many dams will be operation just by end of this year. Government has launched many long term projects for electricity. On the top, there are many development works happening in the countering for infrastructure, rail system, PIA plans, Motorway.. Many pipelines, schemes. all goes into spending in the country.. so yes it cost something.. In return, all global indicators showing Pakistan progressing, economy recovering, foreign reserve increase.
Butthurt? What was abusive in my post? :laughcry:

Lol he just recommend death for IK in another Thread and than reports me for personal attack when i called him patwari which is a legal term while he was personally attacking IK and recommended death for him which comes under conspiration and if proven comes under death penalty.
Lol he just recommend death for IK in another Thread and than reports me for personal attack when i called him patwari which is a legal term while he was personally attacking IK and recommended death for him which comes under conspiration and if proven comes under death penalty.

Please quote where i said "Death to IK" or anyone? but yes, your butt is heart since IK was victimized or what.. btw i reported your this post as well for name calling ..
Lol he just recommend death for IK in another Thread and than reports me for personal attack when i called him patwari which is a legal term while he was personally attacking IK and recommended death for him which comes under conspiration and if proven comes under death penalty.

LOL he was @Tameem not @Fracker.. :P You mixed these two.
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