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  1. divineflame

    Israel helped India turn around Kargil war

    May be religious freedom. But complete freedom big question??? All non-muslim son of soil can not hold the top office by constitution, this makes them secondry citizens, there is no question of equality. Any way that is off topic, lets discuss about Israel-India
  2. divineflame

    General Kayani: USA’s New ‘Poster Boy’ In Pakistan?

    He is third alternative for USA, in case democratic gov fails and Musharraf fame also goes down, the new general takes the rein of Pakistan and gives some stability.
  3. divineflame

    Sharia laws, theories vary among world's Muslims

    Take example of India 13% population is Muslim (probably by numbers more than Pakistan), Shariah law can be applied there? When there are 10 more religions living in country. So Indian subcontinent has its own culture, which is highly diversified, country needs law Land which can be applied...
  4. divineflame

    Archbishop's Sharia comment sparks row

    This Dravidian theory has got many controversial twists, even if we consider that south Indian’s are closer to this race then you are gone. There is no comparison with South India to Pakistan in any term, take it religious harmony, education, science and technology, hard working, per...
  5. divineflame

    Sharia laws, theories vary among world's Muslims

    Agreed!!! A country law is more inclined towards the prevailing culture, economic/social/political condition and geographical situation and need to be improved time to time, basically amendments in law (amendments is not possible in Shariah ). There is no law and rule perfect w.r.t time...
  6. divineflame

    Russian strike group in Severomosrk

    Indian is making her own identity, not dependent of Russia and America, it will take time for you to understand.
  7. divineflame

    Sharia laws, theories vary among world's Muslims

    Any rule and law should be in context of place, time and wholistic culture rather than religion. Also any effective law should be very clear of its purpose, else every one will start interpreting for own benefit.
  8. divineflame

    Archbishop's Sharia comment sparks row

    Nope.. It should be according to Muslim Personal Law (May not be sariah, similar kind of law which is acceptable to muslim). Sariah does not fit in mordern context, that is why even countries like pakistan has not accepted it. But any personal faith issues should be dealt with Personal Laws.
  9. divineflame

    Turkey offers alternative to Iran pipeline

    If any body thinks about Indian perspective then its very true that, IPI is most economical way of getting oil. Though only for economical reasons Indian can not go ahead and sign the project. India is waiting to see Pakistan's internal situation in next few months, which can go either way...
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