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  1. HAWK7

    Bush: Obama will invade Pakistan

    Well, Mr.Obama can only keep dreaming regarding attack on Pakistan :lol: After all, Pakistan is not like Iraq or Afghanistan!
  2. HAWK7

    More Indian Army Soldiers Commit Suicide Than Die In Battle?

    More Indian Army Soldiers Commit Suicide Than Die In Battle? A RECENT ARTICLE over at the BBC News website is claiming that the Indian army is loosing more soldiers to suicide than to enemy action. The statistics for this year alone are a bit weird. According to the article, over 72...
  3. HAWK7

    Kosovo declares independence

    Wondring that why Kashmir & Pelestain being ignore by World Super Powers :rolleyes: Pelestain issue maybe because USA fully support to Israel against so many muslim states around them. But Kashmir isuue always being ignore :disagree:
  4. HAWK7

    Kosovo declares independence

    Congratulations a new birh of muslim state in the map of the world as Kosovo. Finally they are now free from Serbia.:tup:
  5. HAWK7

    Kosovo declares independence

    I don`t think that Kashmiri people wants to be a part of India. They never wanted it. After all you have now pr today more than 900.000 indian troops there. More than 100.000 innocent Kashmiri were matterd/killed by Indian army during search opration. I my self talk to both Pakistani &...
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