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  1. Z

    Why they hate China

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  2. Z

    Why they hate China

    We have large area and longer history ,in my eyes,west people are fool ,CNN and west news medias are pigs that lost parents,in my dialect of JiNan,they are SiHaiZi.
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    China’s weapons exceed self-defence needs, says US

    专辑播放 中越战争 vs Vietnam war
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    China’s weapons exceed self-defence needs, says US

    朝鲜战争-视频-优酷视频-朝鲜战争. China vs USA war
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    China’s weapons exceed self-defence needs, says US

    中印战争A-视频-优酷视频-中印战争A vs India war
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    China’s weapons exceed self-defence needs, says US

    what did you say?I do not understand.For up URLS,I must say,I want you watch some war videos about Chinese PLA.
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    China’s weapons exceed self-defence needs, says US

  8. Z

    Germany rejects US troops appeal

    I first come pk adress,I hope you happy,please allow me say good in chinese:祝大家身体健康。
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