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  1. nirav

    Indian officers killed in Occupied Kashmir

    who gave you that figure anyways ??? Musharraf or ISI or Jang newspaper ??? a referendum was never done ,, and to know the wishes of the entire state would be conducting a huge exercise which has never ben done .... also that figure you have privided is pure BS because about 40 % of Jammu...
  2. nirav

    Indian officers killed in Occupied Kashmir

    Finally : (( note to mods : sorry for posting multiple replies in this thread .. i had initially created one single post itself but the board woudnt let me post it coz of my post count ... and i am not the kind of person to post in any damn thread just for the heck of it ... so ... ))...
  3. nirav

    Indian officers killed in Occupied Kashmir

    i have collated the required data ... the site wont let me post it coz of my few post counts ,,,,it needs 5 for allowing me to post hyperlinks .. i guess this post of mine should take care of the issue ....
  4. nirav

    Indian officers killed in Occupied Kashmir

    as far as this topic is concerned , i had read in the news paper that the cheif/head of the village / district where this shoot out took place was also killed along with the Army Majors ..... dont have an online link for it though .... amd as far as talk of freedom for the kashmiris is...
  5. nirav

    How secular, really, is India?

    well ,, we indians are better off without such Muslim Indians who cheer for another country ,,, and if they see Pakistan as their saviour ,,, as an escape ,, whats holding them back in India ??? if its so dreadful .... India was and is a free country and the constitution *has* given the...
  6. nirav

    How secular, really, is India?

    heres a list for you mate ,,, your are gloating over the fact that pakistani army inducted its first "hindu" soldier in about 60 years ,,, heres what patriotic Indian Muslims have achieved for our country ,,,, so much for the "Tell me how many loyal muslims do you have totally crazed...
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