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  1. D

    Guangzhou Zengcheng week riots

    Video: Riots scene Army move to City Army move to City Picture: source: image video Transfer military control of Guangzhou Zengcheng week riots BBC News - China unrest: 25 arrested after clashes with police Guangzhou New Town Riot! - CNN iReport
  2. D

    Dear chinese and the other friends.

    này bạn, bạn đang spam những ngôn từ vô ích không mang lại thêm chút hiểu biết nào đấy, dừng việc đó lại đi, nếu bạn nắm được chứng cứ khẳng định...
  3. D

    Vietnam’s People’s Army to turn into regular and elite force

    Vietnam People Army comparable in some ways with China is also losing of indicators. We only have peace-loving and long-term fighting for independence and freedom. asymmetric warfare and prolong is a solution. Let see We have Aircaft:Su30MK2; frigates Gepard 3.9 ;PROJECT 1241.8 MOLNIYA ...
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    Vietnam plans live-fire drill

    thằng đống đa hill, mày bị hâm à, Việt Nam không bao giờ thích chiến tranh và hô hào chiến tranh. Chính phủ thì giữ hòa bình, mày lại lên đây kêu gào kích động. Chiến tranh không bao giờ là...
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    China best weapon!

    Hey Yous, don't take more about history of Vietnam War. we do not need show our Army power. Let's the Chinese think they have a strong army and they could use military measures to do what they want. not see the coffin, not tears. Historically, China has never attacked Vietnam more...
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    US not coming to PH aid vs China

    Of course, taking over the South China Sea by force, they are China, they are PLA, PLA very strong, very big, number 2 Army. they will take over SCS. Haha you think is right, just do. China dreams
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    Dear chinese and the other friends.

  8. D

    US not coming to PH aid vs China

    Vietnam welcomes international help as sea dispute escalates | Reuters do you know internationalise? Why China scared internationalization with the participation of many countries? Because it hasn't the right.
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    China best weapon!

    best weapon: Sinicization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Western Xia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Liao Dynasty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Chu (state) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Yuan, Liao, Chu, Jin, Manchu, Xia,Tangut Emprise, Tibetans ... where is it going (...
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    US not coming to PH aid vs China

    I think Philippines want American go to protect theme, as allies, not fire, simply limiting the power of China or other country. Vietnam do not use one countries against other countries. So, they dont want USA go to the East Sea with Army. If that country come here to cooperate we always...
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    US not coming to PH aid vs China

    why u have new thread to discuss beetwen VN-China ? Vietnam want China comply with the international law. That's it. We had the protests by diplomats, Shangri-La Dialogue in 2011, China said it would keep the peace but the forcing action then we must have self-defense actions. If your country...
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    China best weapon!

    It's isn't best weapon, it is last solution or hopelessness. best weapon is weapon that to bring victory.
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    Dear chinese and the other friends.

    that's your problem. Unnatural Vietnam and the Philippines have said that China is aggressive. People can trust their gov. or not. We talk to Chinese not hope that the Chinese people will oppose the government, just hope that the Chinese people love peace acting to war not happen, Vietnamese or...
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    Dear chinese and the other friends.

    Các bạn VN, chúng ta không có nhiệm vụ giải thích cho từng người Trung Quốc hiểu về lịch sử nước họ, về quan niệm sai lầm của chính phủ họ bởi vì nó là việc...
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