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    Pakistan's Internet censorship

    Youtube is still being viewed and used in Pakistan. There is a need to impose a strict ban.
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    Saudis give up on US, instigate direct Gulf action against Iran

    Saudia Arabia has been looted and defrauded by USA many times. It is the reliance on US which has made Saudi Arabia weaker financially.
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    Mustafa Kamal, look what our politics does lol

    What Mustafa Kamal and his party has done and is doing is evident from the record. History never pardons any body, the culprits will be brought to task and sincere will be rewarded.
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    Muslim actress Playboy fury

    What is it all about , can someone send me the detail of this news. There was a Muslim Lady in Germany who was murdered in the court room just for the crime of wearing Hijab. And now this is about some actress who is doing otherwise. I shall be thankful if you can send me details.
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    Somali Pirates Say They Are At " War With India "

    They have to be at war with India... for what India does to the fishermen coming to its waters by mistake.
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    China accuses US of human rights double standards

    Violation of human rights by US is not a secret now. The blatant human rights violations in Iraq and Afghanistan and in many other countries have exposed the real face of USA. For the sake of world peace, the international community should make USA answerable for his indiscriminate deeds.
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