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    Gandhara Civilization,Trademark of Pakistan

    Some cultural diffusion. Sure. Fine. No problem. And still doesn't change the fact Indus was the core of IVC and its primary descendents live in modern day Pakistan.
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    Gandhara Civilization,Trademark of Pakistan

    Sure, but historical river civilizations can be classified as sort of having a 'natural' boundary around the river or immediate region.
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    Gandhara Civilization,Trademark of Pakistan

    Core of the IVC was the Indus River, belonging to its primary descendents in modern-day Pakistan.
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    US and NATO imperialism in South Asia: The developing Pakistan Quagmire

    There are two ways, excluding the 'demoncracy' that has been tried and found wanting. 1. Iran-like theocracy as the one being mentioned in the article or 2. China-like technocracy Chinese are also quite modern people compared to Pakistani. But that does not hinder them from...
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    Chinese military advisors held hostage in Pakistan

    China should help Pakistan bolster its security agencies. Impart training, equipment, security policies, improved police/military infrastructure, etc... Surely Pakistan can benefit greatly in this domain from Chinese input. This will go a long way in helping stabilize Pakistan, which will be...
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    Pakistani PM arrives in Shanghai for China visit

    The gross imperfections of Pakistan are realities we have to accept. Under current circumstances, Chinese help is a great blessing for us. Who else is bothering to fund and build all the infrastructure in Pakistan at the scale China is? If in the end result, Pakistan stands to gain and get...
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    Username changes

    Mine to LightSaber please.
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    Pakistani PM hails China as his country's 'best friend'

    So... Is he (PM Gilani) coming back with 10,000 Chinese language teachers? Or, maybe, some (substantial) agreement to fund, train, and rapidly expand + maintain the ailing Pak Police force? Or, maybe some (substantial) funds for the IB or ISI so their operational capacities won't allow...
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    60 Knowledge competition for relationship between China and Pak

    oh i see one request.. if you face another situation similar to this, then just make sure to repeat the thread title in the actual post. that way there won't be any chance of misunderstanding. thanks for clarifying, friend. :china::pakistan:
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    Pakistan refuses MFN status to India

    Good move by Pakistan. Pakistan should always avoid becoming economically dependent on India, or, allowing India any kind of economic influence inside Pakistan.
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    60 Knowledge competition for relationship between China and Pak

    heyyyyy i would like to play too :laugh: but don't know how to read chinese :confused: and chinese friends, do be considerate enough to not refer to us as "pakis" :bad: as in the thread title
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    Pakistan has been playing us all for suckers

    Seriously, now the foreigners want to voice disapproval or dictate what kind of clothes Pakistani women/people wear. :rolleyes: If the prof wants to look non-burqa clad womens, then perhaps he should start work in Pak Fashion Industry. :D
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    Saudis give up on US, instigate direct Gulf action against Iran

    Pakistan will suffer by being either Pro-Saudi or Pro-Iranian. So best for Pakistan to stay out of it and remain neutral. :coffee:
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    Pakistan ranks third in negative influence

    As even two Indians above recognize, perhaps the report is a little 'rigged.' :azn: Think about it. Chinese being unfavorable of Pakistan. And Pakistani not be as favorable of China. Even though relations between the two countries are at the stage of being taken to a New Level 1) with the...
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    Chinese Channels in Pakistan

    We get quite a few Western and Indian channels in Pakistan besides Pakistani. Are there any Chinese channels showing in Pak? If so, how to get them?
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    Pakistan General Elections 2013

    ^^ what is IK/PTI saying or doing with regards to HEC devolution??
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    Govt bans airing Geo Super from Pakistan

    Doesn't GEO get a lot of its funding from India?? What's up with that?
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    ICCI criticises devolving the HEC

    Can more people contribute opinions about this?
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    ICCI criticises devolving the HEC

    What are your opinions about devolution of HEC?? :coffee:
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