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  1. C

    Mecca Royal Clock Hotel Tower is an insult to Islam and to taste

    I guess the crux of the problem is these are not government only business's. The people who invest in the construction of the hotel need to get their investment back. How do they do that? From the pilgrims, which pilgrims? The ones that can afford it - . Even if the buildings/land are Saudi...
  2. C

    Mecca Royal Clock Hotel Tower is an insult to Islam and to taste

    True but what can we do? The ideal situation would be to have affordable moderate housing for everyone. I agree it's sad that poorer people are priced out of range but what is the solution? Having communist-like Utopia where all he buildings are the same standard and price? It's just not...
  3. C

    Mecca Royal Clock Hotel Tower is an insult to Islam and to taste

    You assume that the people who use these facilities are not humble? For a muslim person who works very hard and wants to spend his halal earned money on accommodation makes him "not equal to a normal human being." Again, I say wealth is such a relative thing, the emirate businessman's...
  4. C

    Mecca Royal Clock Hotel Tower is an insult to Islam and to taste

    There is already a museum of Islamic history right outside haram sharif. In regards to the mall. Most of the large hotels near haram have a mall. This one is obviously much bigger because the hotel is proportionately bigger. Believe me in 50 degrees + heat most people need to have an...
  5. C

    Mecca Royal Clock Hotel Tower is an insult to Islam and to taste

    This is such a silly thread and it's just become irritating how this clock tower has become an issue whereas it's really a non-issue. Mostly it's stirred up from people who have an agenda and have hardly ever visited these holy places. The fact of the matter is that there will be more high...
  6. C

    Man shot dead by Rangers for allegedly failing to stop car

    It's hard to make a comment on this case without knowing the full details. What you said is 100% correct in principal, however, in normal times this indecent would never have happened. How many car bombings are we going to loose our valuable security personnel to? With probably the worst law and...
  7. C

    The Jhang of Lashkars

    I agree, the funding came later on. Being a resident of Jhang and an avid historian of Jhang I can tell you the article isn't all factually correct neither all factually incorrect. Though it is pleasant to see literature on the topic in such public domain and people taking interest in it. What...
  8. C

    World's most luxurious train station planned by Saudi Arabia's King Abdulla

    I'm sure you were endorsing @Leaders views?
  9. C

    World's most luxurious train station planned by Saudi Arabia's King Abdulla

    You can live in denial all you want - but it won't make it the "truth." Unilaterally blaming foreign powers is a defeatist approach and will never help Pakistan in the long run.
  10. C

    World's most luxurious train station planned by Saudi Arabia's King Abdulla

    You are just being silly. King Abdullah didn't come and put and put votes in the ballot boxes. If you say "self-determination" then the Pakistani nation has spoke - for better or worse, they have chosen Nawaz Sharif. You need to accept that and move on.
  11. C

    PTI Election Campaign: News & Updates.

    The latest situation is the venue is still being negotiated. Khan Sahb has indicated it should be in Mai Heer stadium (same place as Shahbaz Sharif Jalsa) PTI Jhang people are of the view it should be in "Churchi Ground," I'll let you know as soon as they have something confirmed.
  12. C

    PTI Election Campaign: News & Updates.

    You've got that right! Its going to be one hell of a battle: As regards to Dr Ansari he's a gem of a man. Honest, un-corruptible and highly educated - but what many would regard as a failed politician (Much like Khan sahb himself). Dr Ansari has never seen the corridors of power even though he's...
  13. C

    Chief of Army Staff | General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.

    Kyani's smart, there's no doubt about that. If you see he's been systematically trying to upgrade the image of the army which had gotten somewhat of a battering in the Musharraf years - especially near the end of his tenure. He kick started it with raising the morale of his soldiers with the...
  14. C

    Sheikh Waqas Akram allowed to contest

    As expected.. Dr Abol Hassan for Na-89 and PP-78. Hopefully he'll give Waqas the thrashing he deserves. Interestingly, PTI is not fielding a candidate on NA-88
  15. C

    Sheikh Waqas Akram allowed to contest

    I know, I know.. there stories are numerable... They disallowed a certain by-pass... They had motorway pass in another direction. They used every trick up their sleeve to prevent Daewoo to open in Jhang. (Thank God it did open and it's now the best Transport in Jhang) They've ran over young...
  16. C

    Pakistani High court orders Musharraf's arrest.

    I second that, we've got some real good posters here discussing critical subjects about the fabric of Pakistan and it's history then we have a few idiot Indian's who post 2 liners with a dozen emoticons ruining the flow of the thread. Please kick these trolls out.
  17. C

    Sheikh Waqas Akram allowed to contest

    Yeah but his good-for-nothing father will probably be in his place. Moreover, his younger brother papers for MPA seats have been approved - no worries InshAllah, awaam will reject them outright.
  18. C

    Pakistani High court orders Musharraf's arrest.

    Again - read up on how each coup happened, Zia's coup was the most controversial but the other's.. the situation was becoming unattainable and when the coup did happen there was broad based support on the ground on the condition that elections would occur on a set time. The second part I agree...
  19. C

    Pakistani High court orders Musharraf's arrest.

    I've read the last 65 years of Pakistani history in quite some detail - I think you need to do this your self. It's a very simple blanket statement to say it was just dictators taking over on their whims. However, it hasn't been the case. Each time there was a backlog, a scenario in which there...
  20. C

    Pakistani High court orders Musharraf's arrest.

    Right, that's exactly what this country needs right now isn't it? More blood, political instability, institutional clashes and anarchy? The best thing to do is let the election occur. The people of Pakistan are more than enough. They wouldn't vote Musharraf anyway - we need governance.. not...
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