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    Pakistan's Army Is the Real Obstacle to Peace

    Pakistan army has not earned respect from pakistanis..it has demanded respect from pakistanis.....and I do agree with the writer.....Pakistan army has made pakistan the most unstable state in the world over the years
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    Imran Khan: We'll implement "Khilafat e Rashida" system in Pakistan

    Hasan Nisar has already said that Imran Khan doesn't understand politics....poilitics is not his cup of tea.....PTI is one-man army.......I don't think PTI will ever come to power in Pakistan...Imran Khan is better off doing live TV chat shows
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    Nation unites behind Bangladesh

    ^^ truth is always bitter,isn't it??
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    Nation unites behind Bangladesh

    what about the political parties in Pakistan???Whom do they follow???Aren't they mere puppets???Who calls the shots in Pakistan??
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    Pakistan was created on the basis of group nationalism and not religion

    Pakistan was created because Jinnah and muslim league felt muslims in India will never get their rights and they will not have any kind of representation in the Indian state
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    Japan Nuclear Plant Rocked By Hydrogen Explosion

    Oh God...save Japan from destruction and natural disasters....God bless Japan
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    MQM Terrorists causing chaos in Karachi and trouble for Pakistan

    And what about the taliban coming from NWFP into Karachi??...are they spreading the message of peace and love in Karachi??
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    Violence erupts in Karachi

    Terrorists and corrupt politicians,especially non-karachiiites have made Karachi the most violent and unstable city in Pakistan...Islamabad and Lahore should not control Karachi.....Only Karachiites must govern Karachi...Make karachi and the region around the city an autonomous province..Today...
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    Should Pakistan recognize Israel?

    Israel is an independent state formed in 1948 and is recongnised by majority of the countries in the world....If pakistan is not going to recongnise israel,nothing is going to happen
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    Imran Khan, the next prime minister of Pakistan?

    very difficult...and even if he becomes the next PM of pakistan he will be a isolated man
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    Revoke the notorious Blasphemy Law

    it is not going to be revoked if i reject it....the whole nation has to stand up against it
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    Revoke the notorious Blasphemy Law

    It's high time that Blasphemy Law should be revoked in pakistan...it is abused by islamic extremists...and poor minorities in pakistan are suffering...people who voice thier opinion against it's abuse are getting killed..this is sheer nonsense....this law is taking pakistan to stoneage...so...
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    Pakistan's minorities minister Shahbaz Bhatti assassinated

    who will be the next one???...Sherry Rehman???....She has voiced her opinion over abuse of blasphemy law by extremists earlier.....and what about her security??
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    What is the TTP’s real agenda?

    Zaid hamid would have turned this thread into a thread with most number of replies
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    What is the TTP’s real agenda?

    you should ask this question to ZAID HAMID......he will send you a 1000 pages answer
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    Children should marry by parents' choice: Deoband

    Marriage is one's own personal decision....parents choice cannot be imposed on their children....deoband got it wrong
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    Pakistan needs a revolution like Egypt?

    you want the current incompetent,corrupt government to continue??????
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