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  1. T

    Information required regarding ICTO

    anyone got call for ISSB?
  2. T

    Information required regarding ICTO

    Have any of you got call for the ISSB? When they will call for the ISSB?
  3. T

    Information required regarding ICTO

    next course will possibly come in feb of 2012. But it's not regular course like PMA long course.
  4. T

    Information required regarding ICTO

    For karachi ...... 81 Male candidates were in physical test. 6-7 were unable to clear Mile (running test) and 3 were unable to do chin ups. So roughly 71 candidates. They are giving one more change to failed candidates to prove their physical fitness.
  5. T

    Gaza: A Life You DONT wanna live !

    Yes, ofcourse. We don't hate people we hate policies.
  6. T

    Information required regarding ICTO

    @ matrixology If you cleared all tests then why don't you tell us about ISSB? Just a curiosity
  7. T

    Information required regarding ICTO

    Can any of you please let us know about the ISSB. What kind of test they take from ICTO's? WIll there be any computer test also?
  8. T

    Information required regarding ICTO

    Physical test will be held on 24th Feb for karachi.
  9. T

    Information required regarding ICTO

    ICTO's will go through ISSB and interview is only for those who will clear ISSB. Thanks
  10. T

    Information required regarding ICTO

    After test they will take medical (height, weight, eyesight only) then physical test and those you will clear this will get an ISSB form.
  11. T

    Information required regarding ICTO

    I cant share number here but you can contact me on chat/email expertsolutionz@yahoo.com
  12. T

    Information required regarding ICTO

    i was the first guy who cleared this test so not sure how many others were able to clear after i left the center.
  13. T

    Information required regarding ICTO

    before going for test please review following topics. 1. Basic of computers (input/output devices, boolean algebra, RDBMS) 2. telecommunication(CDMA,Multiplexing,digital electrnonics) i am a software developer but there wasnt a single question about software development. Thanks
  14. T

    Information required regarding ICTO

    It was a tough test but with the grace of Allah i have cleared it. There were 3 test 1. verbal 2. non verbal 3. academics (50 mcq's)
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