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    Taliban not the Enemy: Biden - Taliban Confirm Office in Qatar

    Basically America has conceded defeat in Afghanistan and now are begging the Taliban to give them some reprieve so that they can save their faces and do a hasty retreat. Don't be surprised if you see in a few weeks announcements of complete troop withdrawal from Afghanistan and talks about...
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    American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

    Being an Indian I don't know if I should butt in in the conversation but I just feel Pakistan should do the following: 1. Realize that America is out for a war with Pakistan. I have no doubt about it. America is penetrated by Indian and Israeli advisers and they want war with Pakistan. Probably...
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    India is a democracy

    Your hatred and arrogance is there for all to see. I will leave it to my Pakistani brothers and western audience to decide if I am speaking the truth or what u are saying is the one. PS: FYI I am not a Dalit (Though i wish I was born one). thank you
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    ‘Nonsense song’ gets lots of attention in India

    this song just rocks
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    India is a democracy

    Once you step out of the new shiny Airport in any of the Indian cities you would find beggars lining up the streets almost all of them from the Unfortunate lower castes. In cities like Mumbai, Bangalore and Delhi more than 60-80% of it is SHANTY TOWN where you will find the worst imaginable...
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    China to build the world's largest underground system

    ur kidding right?. the amount of delusion and arrogance among the indian posters make me amaze really.
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    Pakistan – China Joint Military Exercise YOUYI-IV

    so are chinese and Pakistanis planning an attack or this is just routine?.
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    India is a democracy

    its a pefect example of oligarchy - a combination of Corporate, Buerueocrat and corrupt lawyer run nation. Anyway a country which has the caste system in place you cannot call it a democracy.
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    India is a democracy

    I am from India ok, India is rightly called by Arundhati Roy as an Upper caste(mainly Brahmin) run corporate satellite state of america.
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    Plans ready to take out Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal

    1. You are a fool, USA cannot do anything to pakistan even in air. Even if there is a single airstrike on any of PAF the repercussions would be that ISI will nuke one of the American cities. In response America might nuke one of the Pakistani cities but of what use?. Pakistan will survive...
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    Taliban Talks; New Phase in Great Game.

    USA is currently on a 20-20 mode to get out of Aghanistan as soon as possible. For this they need Pakistan support but Pakistan is more interested in playing the Test match and they will make America bleed more and more just like they did to the soviets before they allow America to pull out by...
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    Plans ready to take out Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal

    I think that in the current circumstances overestimating anything about the USA would be foolish.........The USA is already hesitant to attack Iran (a Non-nuclear power which has a 1970 type military) ...I dont think that USA has the capability, or the ability to take out Pakistans nukes...
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    India watching China's military growth: IAF Chief

    I think we need to try our best to avoid a Sino-Indian conflict cause that will be hugely disastrous to us to say the least. I will try to list many points here which are actually ground realities:- 1. The foremost and most important point, You mentioned that any future war will be fought on...
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    India watching China's military growth: IAF Chief

    China will run over entire North India/North east/West India reaching Bhopal in 3 days if need be. But they dont really care about India. They took good care of India in 1962 when their military size was 1/4th of India and their economy was 1/6th of Indias in 1962. Today their military...
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    India watching China's military growth: IAF Chief

    I am sorry to be rude here but your points are utterly foolish 1. Who in the world told you that Democracy is the best form of governent?. The word democracy was invented by the Americans inorder to exert their control over other nations by Exporting democracy. The earlier periods during...
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