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  1. R

    Musharraf's political career launch speech (apology, promises and clean slate)

    Before musharaf left 70 percent plung in the stock market and foreign exchange reserves An electricity crisis An increasing water crisis Taliban advancing from the west,destabilizing Baluchistan Approved NRo order But his apml is the 3rd largest party in Pakistan.Will likely get some strong...
  2. R

    Is Anyway to Counter the T-50 (PAK FA) jet fighters?

    Lol the chinsese might steal 5th generation tech from the Russians and make copies.Like previous fighter jets
  3. R

    How India's growth will outpace China's - The Economist

    India will outpace china in economic growth because of it lower level of development in comparison china . India is assumed, if world economy continues to recover will grow 8 percent for the next 2 to 3 decades.India going to invest 500 billion alone in infrastructure in this decade to help...
  4. R

    Is Anyway to Counter the T-50 (PAK FA) jet fighters?

    calm guys let me remind you Pakistan in only one sixth of india size in population As a result india will always have a huge advantage .In a case of a conventional war india will win. A Better comparison will be india(1.2) and china(1.3) who would win? china china has has already got engines in...
  5. R

    Is Anyway to Counter the T-50 (PAK FA) jet fighters?

    possibly stealth version of J-17? more cost effective than t-50 Also the Chinese J-XX would be the best counter .Be in plaaf service between 2015-2025
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