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  1. G

    67% want military operation in North Waziristan: poll

    @ ares its always easy for stupid people like you to utter nonsense while sitting in their cosy rooms far away from war zone. FYI i was not in this world at that time,so i have no idea of what were they being taught. calm down
  2. G

    67% want military operation in North Waziristan: poll

    why blood thirsty U.S. is bent on creating problems for us. educate these so called talibans,and their generations....provide them facilities,give them jobs.but why kill them?? we should not provoke them. and such poll stuff should not influence the decisions of our army and ISI.
  3. G

    67% want military operation in North Waziristan: poll

    when was this survey conducted? and what were the areas they covered? looks fake..... i know what these ngo's keep doing.and i know the workers of CAMP ngo. ;)
  4. G

    Pictures from cities: Peshawar

    bollywood celeb connection with Peshawar :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: :hitwall::hitwall:
  5. G

    Pakistan Condemns Qur'an Burnings

    I think these people,who are burning Holy Quran,need some Anti-psychotics.Seriously.....
  6. G

    Israeli scientists find HIV cure: Journal

    the drug can be useful for AIDS related complex,but how for AIDS??? when the patient is already immunocompromised and the drug is destroying more of the immune system cells infected with HIVvirus(RNA virus) :confused:
  7. G

    Lahore Blasts

    sad indeed! :cry:
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