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  1. G

    Azerbaijan supports Pakistan on Kashmir

    That's cute. Now do something about it. Heck all of the UN recognized what our 'position' on East Pakistan....:rofl:
  2. G

    India third most powerful nation: US

    Kind of condescending to be honest. Eff 'em. India is on upwards trajectory and that's all that matters. If the ChiComs get over their Maofart issues with us, Asia will rule this century....just as like the majority of all the centuries since human civilization began.
  3. G


    Oh please, quit pretending that these Razarkars and Bihari's are mainstream Bangladeshi's. These jokers are venting on a Pakistani military forum because if they were do the same on the streets of Dhaka they'll get their ***** handed to them. :smokin:
  4. G

    India's disappointing government

    Self Edit.......
  5. G

    Soon Beer from Pakistan will be available in India

    I've had some of it at my roomates wedding. It's decent but nothing to write home about and thankfully they had Guiness on tap. I laugh when people think all Pakistani's are these nutcase fundies, most of my Pak origin friends could drink me under the table. Beer Diplomacy Ftw. :D
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