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  1. L

    India rejects Balochistan charge, says no proof given

    Good to know that out intelligence agency is atleast capable of doing this. I thought there were useless and ISI is best. ISI was creating lot of problem in India. Now I am happy that now RAW has started doing same in Pakistan. It is good that India does not care about goody...goody image at...
  2. L

    India rejects Balochistan charge, says no proof given

    No matter how much proof you give, India will reply back with only thing (same as what Pakistan says when India gives 26/11 proof to them) "this proof is not enough, we need more".
  3. L

    Pakistan Navy Fast Attack Craft launched

    Is this an english website or udru one?
  4. L

    India rejects Balochistan charge, says no proof given

    so you guys selected a circus not government? Who is joker, kiyani or president?
  5. L

    India rejects Balochistan charge, says no proof given

    Don't talk about Indian ministers, 90% of them are useless. Whatever they speak are only for vote politics. Only 10% are good. Both countries are giving evidence, why will we accept something when you are not ready to accept the proof for culprits of 26/11.
  6. L

    India rejects Balochistan charge, says no proof given

    Apply the same logic here same as you do to the India dossiers for 26/11. They have provided all kind of proof but your govt wants more. Governments of other countries are convinced about the guilty people but you guys............so, expect the same from India too.:argh:
  7. L

    "Strategy against any Indian Offensive!!!"

    Buddy this is the first time I read that Hindus attached muslims which lead muslim rulers invade India. Can you please let me know your source on this?
  8. L

    India, China Discuss Mutual Security Issues

    great joke. correct your figures.
  9. L

    Pakistan in 2025? Future predictions

    thanks for the clarification.
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    Pakistan in 2025? Future predictions

    Buddy why don't you write a book explaining everything in detail. Put all the points above as seperate chapters. After that make a TV serial and show it on TV network and also plan to make a movie. Plan to premier it at UN. Isn't it a great idea.????:chilli::chilli:
  11. L

    Pakistan in 2025? Future predictions

    Why do you guys want to convert everyone to muslims. Lets people choose what they want.
  12. L

    Pakistan in 2025? Future predictions

    I completely agree with you. Pakistan has great potential for development. They need to concentrate on economy and education. Remove extremism and terrorism from their soil, stop confrontation with India (it is helping nobody). India wants developed, stable and friendly Pakistan same as US and...
  13. L

    Pakistan Supports India for United Nations Security Council Seat

    You guys are never happy, neither with Mushrraf or Zardari. u must be wondering why all Pakistani presidents support India? Becoz they figured out they there is no use of keep fighting for Kashmir. Pakistan can't take it and India won't give it no matter for how many years you fight.
  14. L

    Pakistan and Israel

    we want you to keep it that way and we reap the benefits.
  15. L

    Pakistan and Israel

    "country whose prime minister himself stated "Pakistan should be wiped out at any cost because these lovers of arabs are more threat to us than arabs themselves" Can you please give the source of this?
  16. L

    Pathetic Indian Police- FBI analysis of 26/11

    Yes we are very proud for those officers who gave their todays for your tomorrow. But in view, criticism is improtant to improve things. That why there is opposition party in democracy, to criticise govt and improve them.
  17. L

    Pathetic Indian Police- FBI analysis of 26/11

    See buddy, when you don't know about something, please don't comment about it. I mean your knowledge about SWAT here. I love India too, but that does not mean that you won't criticize wrong things. Criticize so that they improve. Father criticizes his son to improve his abilities not...
  18. L

    Pathetic Indian Police- FBI analysis of 26/11

    I 100% disagree with you. I have seen many such videos of US police, they never run. Their training is completely different from Mumbai police. Their one average policeman can single handly tackly 3 average mumbai policeman by hand. In my last couple of years in US, I never saw a fat...
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    One question here, why do u guys feel the same way for people of tibet when ur best friend does the same there?:flame:
  20. L

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    I agree Kashmiris are facing lot of problems. They should go to Pakistan which they forgot to do during seperation. Obviously India won't give away the land no matter how many Kashmiris die in protest.:chilli:
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