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  1. S

    India’s Muddled Carrier Plans

    lol this is what you call diplomacy my friend ,every1 has the right to say whats in their mind too bad u r not gonna enjoy that :-(
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    Nature's Beauty

    i was thinking there's gonna be a hot chick...LOL
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    Arjun Mk.2 to be tested by DRDO from May 10

    post uncalled for???? check the first page
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    Arjun Mk.2 to be tested by DRDO from May 10

    gr8 news once arjun mk2 is 100% ready indian army's strength is gonna skyrocket and al-khalid LOL no comments
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    100-yr-old photos of British India

    wow these picture are quite clear ,i think they are taken by a black and white digital camera:P
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    US-AF vs Indian AF in 2016?

    i saw the same documentary on DESI history channel in which Rafael only fires bullets from 50 miles away and every f-22 is shot down
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    US-AF vs Indian AF in 2016?

    biggest bullcrap everything shot down and raptors go home happy lol
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    Chinese Agent Caught while Stealing F-22 stealth Technology.

    wow just imagine the situation while he was stealing and someone walked in, awkwardddd!!!!!
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    I dont know if this is real........

    this is coming in call of duty black ops 2 and its a fake
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    Second Season of Games of Thrones Started

    one of the best series ever made!!! and yeah WINTER IS COMMINGGGGGG...........
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    Which air force has the best camouflage scheme of F-16 block 50/52+ ?

    camouflage can be changed you guys know this don't you ,so whats the point of this threat
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    Pak nuclear program is worlds fastest growing

    the less nukes the better the developed economies know this now. so don't be that happy
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    New IBM computer chip mimics the human brain

    what is this chinese terminator???
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    Help me: What do you think about this car?

    i was first gonna go for skoda laura for my first car but later the honda city module version blew my mind away it hot looking, cheap and reliable at the same time i got it for 10.80 lakhs INR would be way cheeper there in the US
  15. S

    Lockheed Martin F-35 Operating Costs May Reach $1 Trillion

    abe saale khalistan_zindabad khande ka avatar hata .its sacred. and shove khalistan in your....... u know where. the real sikh is here..
  16. S

    PAK-DA not for us : IAF Official

    they did not agreed to invest in manufacturing but they can still buy when it is completed which will cost a little million dollars extra so what
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    Pakistan sells sikh Gurudwara Land to its Army

    you people talk about khalistan movements to be right freedom of kashmiris but you guys are one hell of a back stabbers. this is the first time i actually felt hate for my pakistani brothers.
  18. S

    Vote for a indian moderator....

    As we guys know that half of the users here are Indian so there should be one indian moderator here .pls state names for the most qualified and active indian member on PDF Pakistan defense forum. Thank you:pdf:
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    Rocket with Indian satellite explodes after launch

    I see so many troll post here from PAK side but none of them are deleted my mod . And when there is a Indian troll post the writer gets banned ,well what elders used to say is true, power goes to your head. thank god Pakistan is not a superpower. And yeah one more thing there should be one...
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    4- Type 054 Frigates from China, Pakistan's next Goal

    currently Type 054 Frigate is the most advanced frigate in chinese navy and costs over 1.5 billion us dollers means 4 x 1.5=6 billion. sorry dude not yet
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