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  1. recond1te

    Syrian Airdefences shot down Turkish plane

    Thanks to Erdogan and his idiot foreign minister Turkey now turned into a regional punch bag or we say it in turkish Bölgesel Şamaroğlanı.We should put erdogan and people who vote for him first in the ranks and tell em as their motto say 'durmak yok yola devam' till they reach...
  2. recond1te

    Turks, do most Muslims practice Islam?

    Kemalists do not worship west nor nato..tayyip and likes of him are the ones who are sucking up to nato and obssessed with eu membership.Furthermore This country is founded on Kemalist principles.If you dont like it you either gtfo or stfu. Approximately %40 ? Where did you pull that number...
  3. recond1te

    Turkish Armed Forces Multimedia Center

    a nice clip dedicated to Turkish Air Force
  4. recond1te

    Turks, do most Muslims practice Islam?

    Well by practising İslam if you mean raping,torturing,bullying women & children,hanging people on the streets because of their sexual preference or banning women from dancing with men,banning women from driving(facepalm),brainwashing people to commit suicide for the name of Allah(?!) like...
  5. recond1te

    Algeria asks Turkey to lay off genocide talk with France

    metastasis phase rings a bell ?
  6. recond1te

    United States reveals concept aircraft for F-22 replacement

    Boeing is definetly milking this one..They are already struggling to find funds for f-35 project let alone 6th generation fighter lol.6th generation fighters probably would need toilets for the pilots unless they are willing to **** their pants :)
  7. recond1te

    Algeria asks Turkey to lay off genocide talk with France

    nice dodging skills but yea he has cancer its not chit chat..Hows life in denmark btw ? lol
  8. recond1te

    Algeria asks Turkey to lay off genocide talk with France

    I love how all these akp supporters live abroad and talk about our domestic and foreign policy despite the fact they don't even live here..It's just hilarous..Most of em talk about how much turkey's economy is developed etc and yet majority of them work in...
  9. recond1te

    Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

    Actually thats not the only way.As you know hezbollah also use katyusha rockets which has 20-40 km range.If they manage to smuggle these rockets inside West-Bank.Tel-Aviv will be in the range.Can they really harm Tel-Aviv ? I doubt it because capatults have higher accuracy than these rockets.
  10. recond1te

    Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

    Let's spice things up with a map. :pop: Which route and Why ?
  11. recond1te

    Turkey Welcomes You

    Nemrut (volcano) Mount Nemrut and Forgotten Kingdom Commagene In 62 BC, King Antiochus I Theos of Commagene built on the mountain top a tomb-sanctuary flanked by huge statues (8–9 m/26–30 ft high) of himself, two lions, two eagles and various Greek, and Armenian gods, such as...
  12. recond1te

    Turkey Welcomes You

    Thanks everyone :) More pictures from Turkish Riveria Kuşadası Side Marmaris Belek Dalaman Blue Voyage somewhere at Datça Heaven Bay,Bodrum
  13. recond1te

    Baku - Capital of Azerbaijan

    I should visit Bakü in the near future. :cheers:
  14. recond1te

    Turkey Welcomes You

    Blue Voyage Well that's it for today :)
  15. recond1te

    Turkey Welcomes You

    Temple of Athena Ruins,Aydın Miletos Ancient City Ruins , Aydın Miletos Theatre,Aydın Temple of Aphrodite,Aydın The Temple of Artemis Ruins , Aydın
  16. recond1te

    Turkey Welcomes You

    :lol: Thank you.I will keep updating when i have time :cheers:
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