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  1. farazzaman

    Altaf Hussain Seeks Political Asylum For His Supporters In India

    accually I am talking with your sister,you know doing ________:chilli: Lier hahah .If you are not muslim then how u can be Pukhtoon and Pakistani.
  2. farazzaman

    Altaf Hussain Seeks Political Asylum For His Supporters In India

    ahahaha :woot: I am not living outside of Pakistan you are Aslan(Kuwait).I love my country but some people like you and all those Pukhtoon which are so call Taliban are real enemy of Pakistan who not only destroy the image of Pakistan but all its reputation in all over the world. All Pakistani...
  3. farazzaman

    Afghanistan Intensifies Anti-Pakistan Rhetoric in Aftermath of Bin Laden Ra

    International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Monday declared the nuclear program of Pakistan as safe and secure and appreciated the obvious dedication to the safety and security of the regulators as well of operators. Talking to national news agency on the sidelines of "International seminar on...
  4. farazzaman

    Afghanistan Intensifies Anti-Pakistan Rhetoric in Aftermath of Bin Laden Ra

    Pakistani Nuclear weapons are in safe hand.......IAEA
  5. farazzaman

    Reko Diq: Pakistan risks squandering billions in questionable deal

    Pakistan is possessed with the expertise and technology to explore and refine the precious metals . Mines in Reko Diq had 0.025 per cent reserves of precious metals, if Pakistan could develop nuclear technology by reducing defence budget, why could it not develop mining technology. The...
  6. farazzaman

    You cannot take India out of the hearts of the people of Karachi

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Great :mps:,this way you will help ANP(ANP a congress ally and was anti-AIML) to destroy PAKISTAN. Here r some few information about ANP. ANP Haji Adeel of ANP says his heroes are Raja Dahir and Gandi not Muhammad...
  7. farazzaman

    Pakistan's Internet censorship

    Pakistan bans Facebook, Youtube,Wikipedia,Flicker over 'Draw Mohammad Day' Pakistan blocked YouTube, Wikipedia, and other websites Thursday to try to suppress a Facebook page declaring Thursday Everybody Draw Mohammad Day. Many protested the 'blasphemy' of depicting the prophet. It seems...
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