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    Guy holding AK in Blue Area Islamabad

    What Zamarud did was very stupid but also extra ordinarily brave. The life he risked most was his own and he did that without anyone asking this from him. At times, you simply need to have heroes to give a message, even though symbolic, that we have the will to stand up to the evil.
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    PTI wins NA-250

    Total results (all polling stations) Arif Alvi (PTI): 77659 Khush Bakhsh Shujaat (MQM): 30365 Naimatullah Khan (JI): 11689 Even if we don't count ANY vote from the 43 polling stations, it was already a comprehensive PTI win on 11th May.
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    Is it really a problem?

    If this is really going on, it is just simply stupid. There is a time and place for everything. Asking Ayat-ul-Kursi while filing nomination papers is a wrong question at wrong time. This reminds me of an incident: When I was in engineering, there used to be a person who would take our final...
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    Imran Khan in world's top 3 leaders

    Only wanted to say that being in the company of people like Bashar or Kim Jong-Un is no honor in itself. Baqee aap ki marzi :)
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    Imran Khan in world's top 3 leaders

    Can't help but notice that the list has names of leaders that made the world a worse place due to their presence. The writer also does not seem that knowledgeable. She ends her commentary on IK by saying "his anti-drone push is a central part of his campaign for president".
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    SC Orders Arrest of PM Raja.P.Ashraf

    The nation has already welcomed the 'heroes' that promise to rid country of all evils too many times. (Nation had to be rescued for each of such hero eventually). Current government has completed most of its tenure. Let the current incumbents lie natural political death at the upcoming polls...
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    Social Acceptability of the Talib & the Talib Ideology !

    If you are a TTP apologist, justification is very easy. "This was all a drama by CIA / RAW / MOSSAD. No Muslim can do this. Once USA leaves the region, we will again start living in peace and harmony." See how simple it was.
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    Social Acceptability of the Talib & the Talib Ideology !

    The acceptability of Taliban and their ideology should really not come be surprise. The very existence of this group is due to this acceptance. The support from society comes in different flavors. There are active supporters of their goals and methods (may not be high in number). There are...
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    Is Pakistan fighting undeclared 4th Generation war?

    So, half of the world is busy waging war against Pakistan. Why are we so special? Why wasn't this honor bestowed upon Iran or Russia or Congo? What will their victory in the war look like? And if all the parties sitting in parliament as well as the anti-state elements are part of that war...
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    India’s ambitions to encircle Pakistan

    Although most of the Pakistani brothers are not going to like this but Pakistan is also far from being an ideal neighbor. It has poked its nose whenever possible on the Western side. It has, in the past, supported anti-state elements on the neighbor on the Eastern side. It has provided a...
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    UNSC: Pakistan Slams Israeli attacks on Gaza.

    Yes, Pakistan should take care of its internal troubles but that does not mean that it should be isolated from everything else. If Pakistan can play a positive role anywhere, it should. Israel's offensive in Gaza is gross injustice and raising voice against it in UN is the correct thing do...
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    In Pakistan, ‘liberal’ is a dirty word

    BTW, what do you call a person who is a practicing Muslim, honest, kind to others around him. Completely rejects Taliban or Al-Qaida ideology. Considers Christians, Jews, Hindus, Ahmedis, Shias, Barelvis, Ahl-e-Hadith etc to be equal human beings. Believes in democracy and wants to co-exist...
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    A confused Pakistani

    The problem is never really with things like "Islamism", "Secularism", "Socialism" etc. The real bad among "-isms" is the "extremism". When a follower of any ideology starts believing the supremacy of his ideology over all others, considers others as lesser human beings and is willing to kill...
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    Taliban threaten to target MQM

    Why do people still vote for MQM? MQM is as good or bad as most other political parties in Pakistan. Somehow, it gets demonized a lot in Punjab with Altaf presented as having horns and a pointy tail. Maybe, there is some truth in it but then all other parties are also littered with...
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    Analysis: Army chief versus the judge?

    This is a simple fight for supremacy. Whether someone declares that he holds the last punch or that theirs is the supreme authority, this only shows that something is not right. The executive has been beaten into submission. It is between these two to decide who actually rules Pakistan...
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    Who are the Pakistani Taliban?

    I also believe believe that there are good and bad taliban out there, but my definition is slightly different from the conventional deludes. One with weapon in hand and smile on face is bad and the one getting his a** kicked is a good talib.
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    'Pakistanis Love Conspiracy Theories'

    Mostly in 2007. Mostly in Bangalore and some in Delhi. And no, not as an ISI agent :)
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    'Pakistanis Love Conspiracy Theories'

    Love of conspiracy theories is not a Pakistani phenomena. Listening to them is fun, believing a few of your choice makes the thought process a lot simpler. If facts contradict your logic, conspiracy theory is the weapon of choice to get rid of annoying facts. In Pakistan, RAW used to be...
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    Was Osama for Real? And Was He Killed in 2001? [ARTICLE LINK]

    Wow!! Some people can believe anything. Let me try figure out why I was fired from my last job? The only Logical answer is that it has got to do something with CIA and / or Mossad psy-ops. Only need to connect a few dots. First proof, my boss has International Dialing enabled on his...
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    Imran conditionally supports NWA operation

    Don't know what purpose a military operation can possibly achieve. At best, it will be an inconvenience (maybe major) for Taliban but with their low-cost infrastructure, it is very easy for them to move around and temporarily relocate inside Pakistan or across the border. Taliban message...
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