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  1. Dante

    Researchers find new, elusive bird species

    Great finding, altough from the picture, i failed to identify morphological differences with russet warbler They should do mitochondrial DNA analysis, so proper taxonomy can be generated properly No it is not, sparrow is quite commonly have thick beak because the feed seeds predominantly...
  2. Dante

    3 C-295 Aircraft for the PAF

    Why derailing this thread FYI officially TNI (armed forces) never used term Indonesian Armed Forces in national nor international levels This imply There is no Indonesian Air Force nor Indonesian Navy nor Indonesian Army in our nomenclature There are only TNI AU for air force TNI AL for navy...
  3. Dante

    Indonesia Aerospace Forum

    Ok thanks.....i really hope DI will be more mature in business side of the company, otherwise, they wont move forward
  4. Dante

    Indonesia Aerospace Forum

    I suspect that actually But i don't believe my suspicion......in long term, is it worth and most importantly break even for this project? Are they will get more money?or this is just a personal ambitions of some DI aircraft designers? I'm sure you know....some of them are love to showing...
  5. Dante

    Indonesia Aerospace Forum

    @madokafc I don't get it....why N219 and not NC212-400 What they look for on the N219 that they couldn't find in NC212-400? And the later is proven platform
  6. Dante

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    There are several type actually The most recent one are 2 chinese made type730 and ak630 on board parchim class and kcr40 class respectively Soon we also will have the millenium gun ciws on board the PKR light frigates However, we also have several pseudo ciws such as the ak230 on board the...
  7. Dante

    The JS Izumo is Unleashed !

    @Nihonjin1051 which F35 the JMSDF order?all publication mentioned the F35A and not the marine/F35B version
  8. Dante

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Agree with you @Indos we will see what happen next, I actually almost get too excited when learned that the airforce top brass start acknowledging the urged to get going with the development of new squadrons in faster pace I understand that you want more order on KFX rather than spending it to...
  9. Dante

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    No you are the one who did not understand on the urgency to form those 3 squadrons ASAP We have too many hole in our air defense cover, you can see this vividly on how often our flanker flew for CAP and interception mission in western and eastern region. This shouldn't happen if we have enough...
  10. Dante

    Indonesia Aerospace Forum

    There are some innitiatives to form ASEAN defense industries consortium, hopefully this will happen in near future and will further develop ASEAN members defense industries
  11. Dante

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    What are you talkin about?.....there is a need to replace the F5 ASAP, so this problem need to be dealt with Waiting means delay and delay means a shrinking CAP coverage and low readiness there is also no guaranty that KFX will be on schedule, though I'm fairly optimistic on this program So...
  12. Dante

    Japan, Indonesia prepare defence trade MoU

    Well who doesn't want the Akizuki, but I don't think our navy have enough budget for acquiring and operating Akizuki class at this momment But who knows, in five years we can start acquring principal/main surface combatant like the Akizuki, and I personally think Japanese and South Korean...
  13. Dante

    Japan, Indonesia prepare defence trade MoU

    Seaplane and fighting vehicle engine for our APC & medium tank
  14. Dante

    Indonesia Aerospace Forum

    Well, AFAIK DI dont have license for the Caracal, and even the Cougar are partial conversion program from Super Puma airframe, in which are prone to accident Re aligning the army rotary wing squadron to Bell 412, blackhawk, chinook and apache are the right thing to do
  15. Dante

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    GunS and butters are still major debate in Indonesia imho, the money are available, but how to spend those money are always a battle for us But on the bright side means that we are not gonna sacrifice economic growth over military build up, something that we need to keep in mind Because thats...
  16. Dante

    Japan's Growing Naval Power: Japan building more Atago Class GM Destroyers

    @Nihonjin1051 On that picture...that is not a Atago Class DDG It's a Kongo Class DDG, and look like the JDS 175 Myoko get an upgrade The differences between the Atago and Kongo class are 1. The Kongo is lacking with helicopter hanggar, compare to the Atago 2. VLS configuration on Kongo are 32...
  17. Dante

    Indonesia Defence Forum

  18. Dante

    30 Filipino police commandos killed in clash with rebels

    @Ayan81 & @Cossack25A1 Thanks for the response and article about disarmament agreement Lets hope this gonna be the last and the only glitch until the peace treaty is signed I understand they are a lot of distrust between two sides and even more now, but the Philippine should and must work this...
  19. Dante

    30 Filipino police commandos killed in clash with rebels

    Well for start the BBL should include a dissarmament agreement
  20. Dante

    30 Filipino police commandos killed in clash with rebels

    Ooh come on.....Pnoy is only trying to resolve Philippine acute insurgency problem peacefully.....glitch like this are often happen on most of peace talk, where some of parties from both sides trying to derail the process Are you expecting all out war?cleansed the Mindanao from their Moslem...
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