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  1. Rain

    AI and Robots Crush Foe

  2. Rain

    Wing Commander Noman Ali Khan & Squadron Leader Hassan Siddqui, MIG-21Bison & SU-30 MKI slayers

    PAF claim shooting down SU 30, PAF will not clain it with out solid evidences, otherwise PAF wont play Politics like Other Guys in Khaki do. We Trust PAF.
  3. Rain

    Imran Khan's indecisiveness makes Pakistan a joke after no action on airspace ban.

    if this wont effect India thn how will 30 minutes rocdblocks will do? and more over if this is as inconsequential why did the Government signalled it at first place. Enjoy Bacha Saqa Rule!
  4. Rain

    Aftermath of Removal of Article 35A and Article 370

    Pakistan found napping again! this will be lagacy Gen Bajwa. World best and Pakistan Premier Agency won us Senate Election Hurrah.
  5. Rain

    ‘Imported products to become 40% more expensive in Pakistan’

    Pak economy has many fault lines and most of these line originates from beaucracy/Military/fuedal mindsets. people and politicians only get the blame for all the wrong doings of others. Pak import is not a big issue if our land mafia who are led by bahria and DHA are tamed downed. middle class...
  6. Rain

    Kornet-armed Iranian boats could destroy the USS Lincoln

    this news item is just tofool Iranian and hence encourage to jump in for a war with USA. If it happened result is well known to every one. Not even Russia and China together can not afford a war with USA. Dont fool ur self again.
  7. Rain

    Prime Minister decides to remove 3 more ministers

    He is a very bad judge/selector of his team. he alway choses wrong men and blames others for failure.
  8. Rain

    Has pakistan made a mistake by retaliating?

    this enmity was always there and its india who created it we are just living with it.
  9. Rain

    Wing Commander Abhinandan rejoins squadron

    Dear Abhi We will be waitng to for your next visit to Pakistan, ( Tea this time will be more expensive, a tea cup values more than a mig21 now!) regards your host.
  10. Rain

    What went wrong for the Government?

    Harping Mantra of corruption can gets you votes but wont bail you out of crises. PTI, PTI followers and their Gaurdian angels all just fooled masses in the name of corruption. They knew IK and its unabilities to deliver yet they due to blind hatred for Zardari and Nawaz played the game which...
  11. Rain

    JF-17 with AESA radar and helmet mounted system and the PL-15 misile will replace F16 as top jet ?

    Bro dont compare two different types of aircrafts! f 16 is different league jf17 is in different league. they can compliment each others.
  12. Rain

    PIA Breaks Even at Operational Level

    PIA turns profitable during every hajj season, lets see if PIA ends its finencial year on +ve note.
  13. Rain

    Hafeez Shaikh is Partner in Indian Company which has alleged corrupt practices

    TI does not contain Hafeez name as mentioned in post above! https://nsrpartners.com/leadership-team/
  14. Rain

    Brig (retd) Ijaz Shah has been appointed as Minister of Interior

    IK choices are laughables!
  15. Rain

    No casualties in Balakot strike, Admits India after shameful lies

    YOU MEAN terrorists are not Pakistani, thn why you blame Pakistani if they are not Pakistani?
  16. Rain

    10 Years old members Club!!!

    ten years in a jiffy!
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