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  1. Rusty2

    China police clashing with Muslims from China’s Hui minority after they were barred entry to a mosque,

    Imagine how much mullah types would be foaming at the mouth if this was happening in the west. But they love sucking atheist Commie Chinese knobs so hardly any posts from them. Were are these commie boot licker holy warriors of Allah?
  2. Rusty2

    World Health Organization calls on China to share data on raccoon dog link to pandemic. Here's what we know

    Bro, these Chinese shills get so racist against Pakistanis so fast yet the mods do nothing. one shill started calling me a terrorist for no reason other then I called out his shill behavior. I reported, but mods did nothing. Not even delete the racist post.
  3. Rusty2

    World Health Organization calls on China to share data on raccoon dog link to pandemic. Here's what we know

    You are on PDF bro, the site owners make a boat load of money simping to the paid CCP shills. PDF also does a great job of spreading fake news. Turns out, hardcore conservative Muslims HATE the freedoms of the west and their Godless ways but LOVE the explicitly atheist communist party of...
  4. Rusty2

    Dan Ives says China is losing the A.I. race as Wedbush sees ‘discernibly more clients in Asia’ rotating toward Silicon Valley

    100% on point. This is why China and India will NEVER be "super powers" China can't allow high level of thinking in education as that would threaten the dictatorship of the CCP and India simply can't do it, too low IQ. Thus, both will be regional powers until their eventual collapse.
  5. Rusty2

    Japan Posts Record ¥20 Trillion Trade Deficit in 2022

    Again with the personal insults. Why are you so scared to talk to me about this topic like an adult?
  6. Rusty2

    Where can i read about Aryan vs dravidian war stories?

    The Vedas/all Hindu holy scriptures. It's literally all just a justification for why it was morally right for the Aryans to conquer and enslave the Dravidian natives via the cast system. Of course they put themselves on the top as Brahmins and the Dravidians at the bottom as the untouchables.
  7. Rusty2

    Reunification could help build a stronger China nation

    :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Holy shit, your reply to the brainwashing in China via "Patriot education" is to reply by posting about the Patriot act..... holy crap... this is so freaking funny. China doesn't give green cards. They want to keep their nation racially pure. Pretty...
  8. Rusty2

    Canadian Parliament Discusses Human Rights Violation by Pakistan Army - ISI - RANGERS - PUNJAB POLICE

    Different values. You value the power of the government, regardless of what evils it does. As all fascist do. We value the power of the people and it's fight against dictators. Fascist hate when others put a light on their governments evils while democrats love it.
  9. Rusty2

    Pakistan is on the edge. Should India be worried?

    Raw is pretty incompetent. I would not worry about it.
  10. Rusty2

    Reunification could help build a stronger China nation

    Lol, imagine being this triggered :lol:
  11. Rusty2

    Reunification could help build a stronger China nation

    Oh.. you know what time it is!!!!!! Its time for the classic, Chinese people being racist to Africans FOR NO REASON other than them being black.
  12. Rusty2

    What Americans Don’t Understand About China, Why Chinese both home and overseas prefer the Chinese government

    Funny enough, I actually moved to China for both those reasons. I had a "better" life style in that I had a maid, food was cheap, entertainment was plentiful etc AND I was making more money in China.. but I could not wait to leave. I make less back in Canada, have a lower life style but I...
  13. Rusty2

    What Americans Don’t Understand About China, Why Chinese both home and overseas prefer the Chinese government

    If they prefer XI and CCP why even leave in the first place? The paid propaganda really is falling badly. Up your game, pay your propogandist more.
  14. Rusty2

    Reunification could help build a stronger China nation

    Most Chinese you know have gone through brainwashing called Patriotic Education Why are you getting so triggered that you need to start throwing personal insults? *edit* @Ikbal where did you go? You made personal insults, laughed like a donkey then ran away. Come back and lets talk this out...
  15. Rusty2

    Reunification could help build a stronger China nation

    You have no idea what you are talking about. And of course I have. I am not stupid to ask you such an obvious question that I would fail myself. Again, try it before advocating things you have no idea about. We already had this conversation years ago. Of course you get paid per post, thus...

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