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  1. J

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Not to mention that Switzerland doesn't have a "Prime Minister" (as the person who wield the actual power in our domestic politics) who's practically in bed with the Chinese and their 'development' projects, and who has been pretty much ambiguous in our stance in regards to our relations with...
  2. J

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    I, for one, am not suggesting that getting the Growlers will be the silver bullet that's going to win us the war against China, while getting the Eagles will lose us the war or anything like that. It's just I feel that the Growlers' strategic level jamming capabilities will be more useful in any...
  3. J

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    I'm honestly torn on this issue. On one hand, yes the Superbugs although possessing numerous positive traits are hardly the ideal candidate for the air superiority role. But on the other hand, IF the offer included Growlers then IMHO we should really try to look into it. Deeply. Why? Because...
  4. J

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    If what mentioned was indeed true that "Pihak Kemhan dan TNI AU sepakat datangkan Su 35" then I honestly didn't see where the notion that the Air Force never wanted the Flankers came from. This is generally speaking, of course, and not specifically related to how Prabowo insisted on the F-35...
  5. J

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Please revisit my post when I said that, because I'm quite sure I NEVER said that ace Flanker pilots can't transition into F-16 pilots, instead I mentioned things along the lines of: ace Flanker pilots (with thousands of flight hours) will not immediately transform into ace F-16 pilots. Why...
  6. J

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    The onus is on you to prove that indeed some fighters in our inventory were indeed "hangar queens" all the while you admitted that calculating the CPFH of fighters is difficult and may vary by country for a plethora of reasons. How can we say that fighter A is expensive to maintain and are...
  7. J

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    The problem for you my guy, what am I a fanboy of? Am I a Russophile because I stand for keeping our Flankers and buying more? Am I a Koreaboo because support the continuation of the KFX program? Or am I a Turkophile because I wanted for the Pussenkav to buy the Pindad-Turkey joint venture MMWT...
  8. J

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    It's good that a professional turned fanboy (due to obvious bias) like you actually use data to back up your arguments, for once. But I found it curious that you left out the CPFH of Rafale (estimated at around USD 16,500) and Typhoon (estimated at around USD 8,200 - 18,000), which were...
  9. J

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    No, it's not hard for me to see that the Air Force's systems and infrastructures are geared towards the US, but it's also seems that it's hard for you to see that the Air Force didn't procure, maintain, upgrade and even aimed to supplement their existing multi sourced fighters because they think...
  10. J

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    US planes have the cheapest maintenance cost? Could you please elaborate further and provide valid data related to this conjectures and assumptions of yours? Please share and enlighten us with data pertaining the CPFH for the F-16 compared to the Gripen, for example. Or the CPFH of the F-18...
  11. J

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Good points, but curiously if it was the F-18, F-15, or F-35 that we're going to buy, a certain section of fanboys here will undoubtedly keep silent and will NEVER even mention about things such as "cost on introducing new infrastructure, training cost, cost to operate and maintain" despite the...
  12. J

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Give my regards to the wall, hehe..
  13. J

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    All are valid points, but you're still missing the point that I was trying to make as you won't see the US buy Russian downgraded technologies in order to reverse engineer them.
  14. J

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Actually my real gripe is with this statement, the one regarding the Russian vs Chinese fighter jet technology is just a snipe to show how easy it was to debunk a non factual opinion. I know for a fact that Pindad worked very closely with Pussenkav during the design phase of the MMWT. The...
  15. J

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    That's the claim that the Chinese made to provide justification for their internal public and stakeholders as to why they needed to buy the Su-35 when they can supposedly make better indigenous planes. Much like how our MoD sometimes needed to explain why we needed to buy helicopters made by...
  16. J

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Thanks for providing yet another explanation of how easy it was to debunk some opinion based claims as opposed to factual based ones. Respect.
  17. J

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    So the Chinese wanted to and then succeeded in reverse engineering some monkey model Russian defense tech, did I understand it correctly? Bravo! Then clearly the Chinese have superior technology compared to the Russians because they can copy Russian downgraded techs. Oh wait..
  18. J

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    You took the words right off my mouth, why on earth would China reverse engineer "inferior" technologies that was downgraded even more in the monkey models that the Russians were selling for their export customers? I'm frankly dumbfounded. And here I thought China was the one supposed to own...
  19. J

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Ah great, a Chinese article about how superior their technological advancements are compared to peer nations. Thanks!
  20. J

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    That's not the point, the point is if indeed the statement "Russian aircrafts are now considered somewhat inferior to their Chinese counterparts" is true, then why did China bought the Su-35 with full understanding that the Russians will supply them with export models (which is of lesser...
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