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  1. Furious

    Paris meeting to decide Pakistan’s FATF fate

    Clearly it seems you are someone not worth my time and reply. Let me find how to put on ignore.
  2. Furious

    Paris meeting to decide Pakistan’s FATF fate

    Whomsoever you consider terrorists. Doesnt matter. If Indian banking laws were facilitating such activities, we would have been under scanner. :dance3:
  3. Furious

    Paris meeting to decide Pakistan’s FATF fate

    Well, its my freaking opinion, dont get so riled from them. Ignore or contribute to discussion. Dont be a troll here.
  4. Furious

    Paris meeting to decide Pakistan’s FATF fate

    Lol, stop speaking a degenerate language. Are you here to showcase your abusing skills on an internet platform. Jeez. Go troll somewhere else, if you cant have serious discussions. Environment and geo political realities change all the time. No wonder you speak that way.
  5. Furious

    Paris meeting to decide Pakistan’s FATF fate

    Nothings gonna happen. Probably they will extend grey list period or remove them with monitoring. Terrorist will keep getting funded through such shady bank practices and loopholes.
  6. Furious

    India pursues China-led trade deal despite domestic opposition

    The one fundamental problem for which there is a lot of contention in RCEP is about putting a trade threshold of a particular item, so that no country tries dumping their surplus for cheap and destroy the market competitiveness. Guess what? China isnt agreeing to it. Its really easy for big...
  7. Furious

    Top 10 countries that execute the highest number of people

    https://books.google.co.in/books?id=o36uDQAAQBAJ&pg=PA9&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false (It includes East Pakistan) Lol, how convenient to not comment on your terrorists, more than a dozen UN sanctioned terrorists live in Pakistan.
  8. Furious

    Top 10 countries that execute the highest number of people

    Becoz India is the worlds largest democracy with people of various mindset, ideology and differences voicing their opinion, the press is crazy and chaotic but isnt a state tool. The voices get internationalized is the proof that it isnt controlled. Otherwise we might as well say DPRK is a...
  9. Furious

    Top 10 countries that execute the highest number of people

    Pakistan will easily topple India, if we count all the terrorist attacks, enforced disappearances and forced conversions. :tup:
  10. Furious

    Pakistan arrests four aides of alleged mastermind of Mumbai terror attacks

    What a joke!! How many more times such terrorists will be arrested and released. Its baffling.
  11. Furious

    Pakistan must change Currency Notes to get $77 billion hidden in homes

    Check digital payment before and after demonetization. Yes, it didn't go perfectly, the inconvenience and short term effects to economy were there, but it also propelled the economy in a cashless direction which is excellent. And as it has been done in India, Pakistan can do it better by...
  12. Furious

    PM IK Op-Ed (Metro US): 'Pakistani nation will not sit back until Kashmiris are given their right..'

    Oh jeez, azad kashmir is a name you created, there is no azad kashmir before 1947, show me which map shows azad kashmir in 1947, or any british empire document ?
  13. Furious

    FATF can blacklist Pakistan anytime: Indian defence minister

    There is a much higher chance of pakistan being removed from greylist. Despite all the noise, I think US wont let pakistan fail completely. Atleast not unless something very serious happens.
  14. Furious

    COAS hosts Sequel to discussions and seminars on ‘Interplay of economy and security’

    So businessmen going over civilian government to COAS, then whats the need of civilian government if its impotent. This feels like deja vu.
  15. Furious

    PM IK Op-Ed (Metro US): 'Pakistani nation will not sit back until Kashmiris are given their right..'

    Brainwashed. Inspite of evidence, you will keep denying. You have to vaccate pohk and gb, simple, and u dont understand that. It wasnt a part of your territory in 1947, it wasnt when british mapped it, it was part of jammu and kashmir, keep fooling yourself. go check any map of 1947. No wonder...
  16. Furious

    COAS hosts Sequel to discussions and seminars on ‘Interplay of economy and security’

    Pakistan’s already powerful military is taking an even greater role in running the country as the economy stumbles. Army chief Qamar Javed Bajwa has privately met top business leaders to find ways to bolster the economy, according to people familiar with the matter. The three meetings Bloomberg...
  17. Furious

    PM IK Op-Ed (Metro US): 'Pakistani nation will not sit back until Kashmiris are given their right..'

    Tell me, if GB and POhK was part of pakistan before 1947 during partition ? http://www.columbia.edu/itc/mealac/pritchett/00maplinks/modern/maps1947/maps1947.html
  18. Furious

    PM IK Op-Ed (Metro US): 'Pakistani nation will not sit back until Kashmiris are given their right..'

    http://unscr.com/en/resolutions/doc/47 For the last time, can pakistani read the UN resolution properly ? GB and Pak okupied Kashmir are part of Jammu and kashmir.
  19. Furious

    The UK High Court rules in the favour of India in Hyderabad Funds case

    The UK High Court today upheld the claims of India in the 70 years old £35 million fund that is being held by the National Westminster Bank in London. The Fund had been held in the account of the High Commissioner of Pakistan to the UK Rahimtoola since September 1948. It had been the subject of...
  20. Furious

    India firms up moves against Turkey cosying up to Pakistan

    I think everyone understands what exports is. Why would anyone confuse it with production. That would be dumb man. I will try to look for an aggregated source or will have to find it individually. Let me try. Also the 2019 figures would be atleast 20-25% more. And the export is to more than...
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