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    U.S. bid to blockade Huawei fizzles in European 5G rollout

    The question is simple: Will you join the Delian League or will you join the Peloponnesian League? We head to Thucydides' trap
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    US refuses to take position on F-16 issue

    My take on this: US hope to allow this clown-show to fade away itself, instead of having to slap India across the face. But it seems India is pushing the other way
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    Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

    presumably block50/52+
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    After India Loses Dogfight to Pakistan, Questions Arise About Its ‘Vintage’ Military

    They sleep sound assured that India has no chance to become another China.
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    Where do we go on from here? - indian poll

    My suggestion is that India to focus on domestic issues such as education, economy, infrastructures, development, and integration. If you look to the future, then nothing more important than your own growth. A uti possidetis border based on the current LoC, is it acceptale?
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    India's INS Vikrant Could Get Russian Weaponry

    What aircraft is going to be operated on this carrier? Mig-29K again or any chance to see LCA?
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    Update to my previous thread: The AMRAAM Missile Detail

    Your own lovely JF-17 is now using Chinese radar per PAF's choice. But originally there was a proposal to use Italian radar in case PAF unsatisfied with Chinese radar's performance. In the Italian radar configuration, integration of AMRAAM was considered and marketed. Now, PAC/CAC are marketing...
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    Update to my previous thread: The AMRAAM Missile Detail

    http://archive.defense.gov/Contracts/Contract.aspx?ContractID=3384 This source says FA8675-05-C-0070/P00028 was sold to Pakistan, and other buyers have different sub-contract numbers, such as /P00016 for Czech Republic, Hungary, Jordan, Malaysia, and Canada...
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    Wake up call to all Pakistanis

    Also, it is those heroic Pakistani service members who put their lives on the line to defend the country, it is the people IN Pakistan especially in Azad Kashmir who surfer from the war and economic impact from the tension(s) with India and Iran. Not those enjoying their leisure in the west. Sir, you...
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    Debunking Indian claims of F-16 firing AIM-120C AMRAAM

    IAF is officially lying on a state level for the AIM-120 issue? Huh
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    Debunking Indian claims of F-16 firing AIM-120C AMRAAM

    Can anyone with access look up whether this serial number was in fact in the PAF inventory?
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    New Introductions

    1) Tell your interests Reading (history, tech, strategy, physics) 2) What do you do. Chemist (R&D in pharmaceutical co.) 3) How did you find us Forum reference 4) What interests you here? See your opinions, and give mine 5) What is your profession? Chemist (R&D in pharmaceutical co.) 6)...
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