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  1. P

    FIA team finds SECP chairman guilty of tampering record of Sharifs’ companies

    Leave aside JIT report. This document from UAE itself proves that NS and Co., starting point of property in UAE was illicit
  2. P

    Afghanistan agrees to join Pakistan in anti-terror ops (US to monitor)

    Minuses that I think are hurting India: 1. Too much religious polarization. That is not helping Indias case who was considered a purely multicultural country. 2. Wrong foreign policy: china border, Afghanistan, Iran are some examples whereas siding with US and downplaying Russia (who has been...
  3. P

    Afghanistan agrees to join Pakistan in anti-terror ops (US to monitor)

    Education my friend, that's what they are keeping from the common man and hence his ability to question status quo. If IK or Musharraf comes and does land reform that would be great!
  4. P

    Afghanistan agrees to join Pakistan in anti-terror ops (US to monitor)

    NS is as corrupt as Zardari. what the people don't realize is that sharif/Bhutto/zardari weren't born to lead the country. Nobody has that right. These families are 'professional politicians'!!! That's the term I use for Pakistani ruling parties! Seems like they have a birth right to lead the...
  5. P

    Indian Army to Deploy Military Helicopters to Chinese Border for the First Time

    The fact of the matter is that no country can afford a fight here days. Looks at countries like Syria and Iraq that had such little resistance and infrastructure but still are holding off their opponents. China / India or Pakistan / India - loss on either side will be soooo huge that it's...
  6. P

    Afghanistan agrees to join Pakistan in anti-terror ops (US to monitor)

    Let's see what Afghanistan has to offer here. This is pakistans chance of proving that India is part of the whole scheme here. This is a desperate measure from US to bring both Afghanistan and Pakistan on he stable. Show some success followed by kicking afghans out of pakistan. That should...
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