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  1. a7mado

    Jewish Rabbi speaks against Zionism

    @ 2:46 do listen to how he respects Omar Ibn-Khattab (A.S) as the Great King and Caliph and Ali ibn-Abu Talib as well!.
  2. a7mado

    Two Great Pakistani

    sorry mate, miracles don't happen no more and this world is known as Dar-ul-Asbab!, so Jinnah and Iqbal were the 2 sabab's that were needed to create Pakistan, Iqbal was a mystic along with being a philosopher and a writer, so he had guidance from the creator of the universe, so creation of...
  3. a7mado

    Hillary Clinton Visit to Pakistan

    nope, a bad photo-shopped image!. :rofl:
  4. a7mado

    Hillary Clinton Visit to Pakistan

    so whome do you want us to blame?, Big Bird?. :blah:
  5. a7mado

    Hillary Clinton Visit to Pakistan

    :lol: explain this then! :rofl:
  6. a7mado

    Hillary Clinton Visit to Pakistan

    I agree but I still stand by my decision to see Hilary die a painful death!. :p
  7. a7mado

    Hillary Clinton Visit to Pakistan

    :eek: you discriminate Obama then you're a racist! :rofl: we should get an Obama smiley honestly, I am to tired of ":sniper: :usflag:", I want to ":sniper: "
  8. a7mado

    Hillary Clinton Visit to Pakistan

    you see now that really is wrong!, that should not happen!, I hope she never makes it back to United States in one piece!, Amen to that!.
  9. a7mado

    Kuwait court rules that women MPs can shun hijab

    ever wonder why Kuwait is soo cut-off from the known world?, because they're always to busy making and breaking up cabinet, no one wants to take responsibility for anything but as long as it provides me with enough security so my sister can drive @ 3 am in the morning with out the fear of being...
  10. a7mado

    Sex, alcohol, fat among world's big killers WHO

    the more appropriate title of this thread should be "Russia, Europe, United States among worlds big killers" :rofl:
  11. a7mado

    Hillary Clinton Visit to Pakistan

    I kinda threw up a little in my mouth, the most disgusting images I've seen so far from the world of Politics. :cry:
  12. a7mado

    Hillary Clinton Visit to Pakistan

    because they have suffered quite badly after Afghanistan and Iraq, secondly, they couldn't take control over Iraq and Afghanistan -- 2 countries that had no economical structure before there invasion what so ever --, do you really think they could do that successfully in Pakistan, even with the...
  13. a7mado

    Hillary Clinton Visit to Pakistan

    believe me mate that won't happen, why would you bite the hand that feeds you, makes no sense...
  14. a7mado

    Hillary Clinton Visit to Pakistan

    I wonder why she'd want to visit a University for?, makes no sense, you come, you bla away and you get back into your jet paid for by the people of United States and go back, unless you're hear on vacation. :undecided:
  15. a7mado

    Shocking....israeli families wnjoy and have coffee while watching the siffering

    that is one side of the discussion they cannot argue with, Jew's have more trouble between sects then we have among Shi'a and Sunni sects, if they did not have a reason to work together, they'd be slitting each others throats day in - day out, bravo for bringing up this one! (Y) as far as the...
  16. a7mado

    Hillary Clinton Visit to Pakistan

    that can be very true, but the blast in Peshawar has been the deadliest yet, my condolences to the families who lost there loved ones in this unbelievable incident.
  17. a7mado

    Zaid Hamid's take on the KLB.

    you welcome bro!.
  18. a7mado

    The Pak-US Relationship

    ^^ LOL!!!, you're too naive my friend, do some research before posting on a defence forum, if you're a hippy then wake up!, the 70's are long gone!.
  19. a7mado

    Zaid Hamid's take on the KLB.

    I know a lot of people are against's this man's way of thinking, most of his view points are hard to swallow but I am a firm believer of the fact that "truth is stranger then fiction", I respect this man's passion and patriotism and his guts to come on national television and share his rather...
  20. a7mado

    comment: Begging with dignity —Rafia Zakaria

    sigh.... so what are they going to ask in return for this time?, ownership of Pakistan?, I heard Zardari asked for $100 billion, so how much of that will he keep?, my guess almost all of it...
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