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    JF-17 French Avionics Deal On Hold/Cancelled

    Wow, this one takes the cake! Who pays for these 150 Rafales? Even our cash rich neighbour India is having second thoughts about having such an expensive fighter in their MMRCA race. And you want Pakistan to buy 150 such fighters! I would say that our money would be better utilized to...
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    The danger of the India-China hysteria

    It would be interesting to see how this conflict turns out to be. China sees India as a competitor & with the current events in the global economy, the foreign investors are moving to India. China's economy has taken a hit, and the perception in the minds of investors is that China has resorted...
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    Plan to restore Pakistan - Lets have suggestions to restore our pride

    It seems that being a hardliner or an extremist has become a fashion of sorts these days in the country. Every other post I see on this forum has someone raising his blood pressure & claiming to be the protector of Islam & ALL muslims. We are not the owners of Islam, and nobody has given us...
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    Indian economic growth is good for Pakistan

    Credit where it's due, gentlemen. India was bankrupt two decades ago, and look where they have come. They would become an economic superpower in another decade or two & we would be still crying over spilled milk. Indians are successful because they worked hard for it. While we were busy...
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    Plan to restore Pakistan - Lets have suggestions to restore our pride

    China's culture has been drastically subdued by the decades of communist rule and India was never going to stick to it's Nehruvian principles. The reason behind India & China's rise is the aspirations of their people, to see their countries back to where they belong. Indians & Chinese are...
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    Plan to restore Pakistan - Lets have suggestions to restore our pride

    Young minds cannot be forced, they can only be destroyed, this is what is happening in today's Pakistan. Young minds should be free to think, ponder & make up their own perceptions instead of a maulvi blaring into their ears, abuse for Hindus, Jews & Christians. China certainly did not...
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    Plan to restore Pakistan - Lets have suggestions to restore our pride

    If we're to start out, then doing away with our obsession with India, Israel & US would be a good way to go at it. Looking inside is what we need at the moment. The Pakistani leadership has failed on many levels for the past many decades. The terrorism that we face today was created by us, as...
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    Plan to restore Pakistan - Lets have suggestions to restore our pride

    I am sure I'm going to get a lot of flak for saying what I'm going to say, but if nobody says what needs to be said only because it might hurt their countrymen, the country will never be on the right path. The problem lies in the ideology that the nation currently calls it's own. We want to...
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