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  1. C

    China, Pak major irritants to India's security: Army chief

    he is Military person..his job is to constantly assess threats ... so dont spin out of its contest... so many times your military said.. India remains major threat...nobody in India..issued any statement over that.. isn't pakistan minister commented about Babur majid court case...now that is...
  2. C

    India rejects Balochistan charge, says no proof given

    It is true.. every country has its own prism to look into armed struggle movements, its all geopolitical interests... (or hypocritic..in ur words).. but look at Pakistan.. it says LTTE (srilanka) is terrorist.. Tibetian struggle terrorist.. But..somehow Kashmir militants are not.. see all the...
  3. C

    Muslim protesters brand war heroes 'murderers' as homecoming parade turns violent.

    Answers to your questions, 1. If you start putting restrictions towards freedom of speech then same law applies to the protesters...dont they have any where else or anything else to protest...say...poverty.. corruption.. etc...?? why they choose to protest this... ??? 2. You are most...
  4. C

    Muslim protesters brand war heroes 'murderers' as homecoming parade turns violent.

    Nobody is against their freedom of speech., Infact I am happy that they are exercising It., BUT the problem is., These protesters are using freedom of speech., but If the same freedom of speech used by FaceBook, Cartoonist or Sulman Rushdie., then the same protesters are asking for blood and...
  5. C

    Embrace India, not Pakistan, says US columnist

    aren't you guys responsible for your leaders... why dont your people start protesting...(i mean real protest like in the case of CJ)., not just TV and web based protest... against those corrupt leaders., as long as you people sit silent., then who is making mistake here?
  6. C

    Embrace India, not Pakistan, says US columnist

    Fair question., but you should ask it...on YOUR ARMY (who first allowed US into this)...and then corrupt politicians... aren't you guys elected them...by democractic elections???? then why blame US., try to bring people movement ..and bring good leaders., strong and talented..but rather., you...
  7. C

    Embrace India, not Pakistan, says US columnist

    Ofcourse..Pak army is doing ..."protecting its national and its own interests" remember Afghanistan., who supported and kept the Taliban regime there???, even though., the whole world is not recognized taliban., Pak., happily supported because it gains from that deal., its what called...
  8. C

    Embrace India, not Pakistan, says US columnist

    I understand your point., BUT if you are so angry., and u believe US betrayed you., then why asking for more aid and military hardware, why dont you say..."guy's party is over and get the hell out" you cant say this...a when GOP was under tremendous money problem., it was US, which helped...
  9. C

    India can do nothing if there is another Mumbai

    I dont agree with this logic... this more sounds like Nuclear Blackmail... like..we will send and support terrorists (knowingly or unknowingly) ..but india shldn't do anything... what the hell is this? Pakistan..ask for unconditional talk...but asking for such a talk itself..is a big...
  10. C

    Kargil War 1999 - A Dedication

    It is not India..it went running and crying to US...it was your PM..who went to US and announce unilateral withdrawl... Read Mushraf's book and learn the truth. Buddy shamefull act, but than India is known to be attack and kill unarmed and innocent. Yes.. read the Mushi Gospel and learn the...
  11. C

    Indian Army's Muslim headcount: 3%

    sorry irrelevent....self edit
  12. C

    India’s illegal occupation of independent Sikkim has to be reversed

    Oh geez .. here go again.. NO answer...simply attack the questioner..and deflect the need to answer...if any one needs history lessons.. it should be you...did you know anything about "Operation Gibraltar" IF you dont i stop arguing here.. if you do...then u know its objectives and final end...
  13. C

    India’s illegal occupation of independent Sikkim has to be reversed

    So you picked up a typo and started bashing...and conveniently avoided to answer the question... ????:rolleyes:
  14. C

    India’s illegal occupation of independent Sikkim has to be reversed

    In both 1966 & 99 you changed the objectives after the outcome of the WAR., in '66 the aim was to cut out kashmir root (and expect massive people support and hooraayh..welcome for PA from kashmiri people) but that Objective was not achieved., IA opened WAR at international border the total...
  15. C

    India’s illegal occupation of independent Sikkim has to be reversed

    yeah..another NOt a conicidence is Pathetic... and P....
  16. C

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Not just 2 or fatcats.. Bugti a well known and respected balochi openly asked for India help... PA send fighters and killed him.. somehow it is justified..
  17. C

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    who said.. ALL kashmiris welcome Pak infilitrators (i would prefer terrorists..but then..) remember Operation Gilbartar, Kargil., all these misadventures are based on the assumption that..the moment Pak attack., the kashmiri will join with PA.. but it never happened.. learn from the past..
  18. C

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Umm.. so the limits and number of people are standards set by You.. as per your convenient.., IF thousand people ask for help then its okay.. if 950 people ask for help then..NO... all this number standards are simply to justify their own ideologies
  19. C

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    thats hilarious :cheesy: so.. IF baloch people (even some of them) ask for Indian help we can also come and help them... can we? (as I see...recent reports, some Baloch leaders are openly asking for india help)..After all we are also obliged to respond for people who explicitly ask for our help
  20. C

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    so your support is not humanity or human rights based... its simply nationalistic and religious (!!!).. then everyone has their own nationalistic view... and there wont be united view..
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