You are free to chant " you are wrong", "your are wrong". ....... its a free country.
I do not care to attack a nobody, its your inflated sense of self worth that makes you think I am attacking you. I am DISMISSING YOU. Only because I do not suffer fools gladly.
Your personal attack and rant...
Yup, people of UP are more logical than emotional. They do not seem to care beyond their immediate need, so a state split will not bother anybody. In fact, it will actually improve administration considerably.
The first thing they turn to in times of need is their caste, so caste politics will...
People's action is a direct indication on how they perceive it. Riots are the proof. Voting patters are the proof. Need for Religious leaders to get involved in politics is the proof.
LOL....... 'state dish' of Kerala ? :lol: ......... since when ?
Cow killing is illegal in most Indian states. The problem is with killing cow, not eating beef. :lol: Nobody has any problem with people eating anything, even $hit.
India does have a common Hindu culture that has evolved over...
Beef banning is an directing principle in the constitution and it has more to it than agricultural requirements. It is a part of our value system.
Protection of all milch animals is part of our value system. So its silly to claim that religion has nothing to do with it.
She wanted that to split Yadav vote and become a National party. It would be a good strategy to split Yadav votes. Its too late now.
Splitting AP, killed the congress in AP.