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  1. taitaweb

    China will next bolster Pakistan Navy: Expert

    Well much needed Pakistan needs a Navy with at least 24 major ships like Frigates and Destroyers out if those 24 16 should be the one with VLS tubes which can fire both cruise and ballistic missiles
  2. taitaweb

    Is Kabul Regime Opening A new Front Against Pakistan?

    It is time that police was overtaken by the army and out of the hands of the politicians! make police stronger and army's work will be reduced by 60% and they can man the borders!
  3. taitaweb

    Look What we got from Afghani Soldier after treating Wounded Afghani Solder..

    honorable conduct shan't be expected from sell-swords and for-hire thugs
  4. taitaweb

    Pak forces destroy Iranian training camp in Parachinar

    the on goings further came to light after the Indian monkey Kubhushan Yadav has spilt beans.
  5. taitaweb

    Indian Army plans to achieve decisive victory against Pakistan

    we did hear about the so called cold start doctrine but this is something new
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