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  1. Louiq XIV

    Macron, Putin to meet in Versailles next week

    Lol :rofl: Go back to your iceberg mean Penguin ;-)
  2. Louiq XIV

    Germany asks U.S. for classified briefing on Lockheed's F-35 fighter

    Nope that's not going to happen. France has already made clear that the plan is FCAS & Rafale no new fighter development needed for us. Rafale has already anything required to be on par with US 5th gen fighters apart from passive stealth when loaded. Solution could have been to modify the...
  3. Louiq XIV

    French Presidential and Legislative Elections 2017-News and Updates

    Looks good to me. I really hope that macron will have a majority in the parliament to get a chance to rule according his project. I'm not more convinced now than I was before the election but he was the "best choice" for me and I think he deserve a chance.
  4. Louiq XIV

    ICJ hearing on Kulbhushan Jadhav case : News, Updates & Discussions

    In France you are also innocent until proven guilty we call that "présomption d'innocence" so there is no difference with the Commonwealth nations. The difference between the adversarial process or inquisitorial process is linked to the place of the judge and of what is he in charge but in both...
  5. Louiq XIV

    French Presidential and Legislative Elections 2017-News and Updates

    Si dans 5 ans il n'a plus que l'age de sa femme comme problème c'est qu'il aura bien travaillé ;-) Mais je ne crois plus au Père Noël depuis longtemps. Yes the French people doesn't really care about that. We've always been very tolerant (up to a certain point of course) with our Leader's...
  6. Louiq XIV

    French government resigns in post-election formality

    I still have hope that he'll keep him. Macron said that he wanted to follow the path of Le Drian so croisons les doigts.
  7. Louiq XIV

    French Presidential and Legislative Elections 2017-News and Updates

    I'm done with the vote let's see the results now
  8. Louiq XIV

    French professor calls to "assassinate" Erdogan

    The more your post the more you look ridiculous and your racism is so obvious that no one can make anything but fun from you.
  9. Louiq XIV

    French professor calls to "assassinate" Erdogan

    Most of the war (in Europe a least) was fought on French soil and combats have been hard and some battles have been a massacre but we won in the end. The paid price was heavy on both sides, did you look to German figures ? Germany 2,000,000 France 1,700,000 Russia 1,700,000 Austria-Hungary...
  10. Louiq XIV

    French Presidential and Legislative Elections 2017-News and Updates

    Yep I think you can say something like that. But the winner won't be the same this time because Marine/Donald's ideas are way too extreme for the French people.
  11. Louiq XIV

    French professor calls to "assassinate" Erdogan

    We certainly did not get screwed in WW1 go back to history book and educate yourself.
  12. Louiq XIV

    French professor calls to "assassinate" Erdogan

    Wrong. Wrong again. Wrong see point 1 for instance We can see your true racist color here. The Brits have been our enemy since more or less a 1000 years and we don't expect them to be kind with us. We also see them as cowards fighting without honour. Next time you want to learn something...
  13. Louiq XIV

    French professor calls to "assassinate" Erdogan

    No most people don't like Erdogan but they don't want to kill him. You are right we haven't won ONE we have won many ... 1823 Battle of Trocadero The French defeat the Spanish. 1827 Battle of Navarino - October 20th A coalition force of French, British, Irish, Italian, Belgium, United...
  14. Louiq XIV

    Qatar Rafale camo unveil ?

    On a French Forum @Picdelamirand-oil explained that the initial hour cost were high due to the small number of planes and because it was the beginning. He said that now we have the "real" calculated cost from official source and it is supposed to be around 11k€ per hour in France atm. source...
  15. Louiq XIV

    French Presidential and Legislative Elections 2017-News and Updates

    Projected vote flow between the 1rst and the second round.
  16. Louiq XIV

    Qatar Rafale camo unveil ?

    Nothing of quality comes for free. I'm sure second hand F-16 or M2K can be available for countries looking for good & cheap old planes. Agreed for the boring current camo of the AdA.
  17. Louiq XIV

    French Presidential and Legislative Elections 2017-News and Updates

    J'espère bien ! Macron en tête c'est quand même une (bonne) surprise.
  18. Louiq XIV

    Qatar Rafale camo unveil ?

    I think so and more and more Air Forces around the world are coming to that conclusion either. The Rafale is a formidable war machine (a proven one) and is still regularly updated. F3R standard is coming in 2018 and F4 standard studies get started a few weeks ago so the Rafale is here to stay...
  19. Louiq XIV

    French Presidential and Legislative Elections 2017-News and Updates

    I haven't voted yet. Will do at 5pm. Found that CSS code funny (for geek guys)
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