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  1. MFI

    Chinese helicopters enter Indian air space twice; dozens of incursions in Leh

    Did you get that from an official GOI source? Yes what a pity ..........for the whole subcontinent
  2. MFI

    Indian jet crash-Pilot killed

    Rip to the pilot
  3. MFI

    MAKS 2009 -Russia (Pictures)

    Nice pics Linkinpark
  4. MFI

    India fueling insurgency in Baluchistan

    Half of Kashmir?Boy we dismembered half your country. I wonder why you are so happy about it,unlike India Pakistan does not have the power to keep it's share of Kashmir if a serious conflict were to develop.Stop being childish.
  5. MFI

    India fueling insurgency in Baluchistan

    And India will take the above sitting quietly?
  6. MFI

    Indian Army News & Discussions

    The next gen Assault rifle for the F-INSAS looks awesome
  7. MFI

    Indian Army News & Discussions

    Anything new from the visit?
  8. MFI

    Indian Army News & Discussions

    Awesome pictures but isn't the news kinda old?
  9. MFI

    India beefs up defence along China-India border

    I have read the history of the Kashmir conflict from far credible sources than your history books.The people of the valley have never called themselves as Pakistani.Those who were in favour of acceding to Pakistan fled there,whereas other pro-pakistan elements formed Azad Kashmir...
  10. MFI

    India beefs up defence along China-India border

    With the amount of militants crossing over to our Kashmir,i'd be surprised if we don't see any Pakistani flags!
  11. MFI

    India beefs up defence along China-India border

    Is there a dispute? Seems to me just hollow threats from China.
  12. MFI

    Baluchistan included in Indo-Pak joint statement.

    Perhaps the LoC can be taken as the de facto International border.I'm sure that would bring peace:angel:
  13. MFI

    Baluchistan included in Indo-Pak joint statement.

    Pakistan has never given any 'proof' AFAIK. Any neutral sources?
  14. MFI

    Pakistan in tree planting record

    Goos job ,i hope India plants even more.One way in which the Indo-Pak rivalry can be constructive:Making the planet greener:)
  15. MFI

    Manmohan Singh's hypocrisy

    Not until the talks resume(if ever)
  16. MFI

    Manmohan Singh's hypocrisy

    Because it's the reality of the situation buddy and as soon Pakistan accepts that the closer we'll be to peace.
  17. MFI

    Manmohan Singh's hypocrisy

    Or instead of waiting for an attack to happen in MY soil ,Pakistan actually sees the evidence provided by India and takes action against the Mumbai perpetrators and until that happens there is no resumption of dialogue. After all Pakistan is really eager for the talks to resume for some...
  18. MFI

    India agrees to delink ‘Composite Dialogue’ from terror fight

    ^^ That's not what PM Singh told India and the Parliament
  19. MFI

    Manmohan Singh's hypocrisy

    [B] DAWN.COM | World | Singh moves to pacify Indian opposition There can be no-talks if one side is not at the negotiating table. It does not validate Pakistan's position until the talks are resumed. Manmohan Singh has to answer to the Parliament and the majority are against resumption...
  20. MFI

    Manmohan Singh's hypocrisy

    Kashmir is a vital and integral part of India.In this day and age no-one can meddle in India's internal affairs least of all the UN
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