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  1. Muhammad Saleem Azam

    India has moved 17 combat battalions into the Kashmir sector.

    Yes we know!!!! you can do this only in movies, you dirty army is beeing turned the heaven into Hell............
  2. Muhammad Saleem Azam

    It’s time India stops blaming Pakistan for every terror attack on its soil

    Yes Pakistan will not understand as we are on right, to avoid like these terror attack you should have to quit Kashmir, Pathan Kot operation which taken by Indian Army in three days which was a task of few hours, Actually you should have to play been in front of Your "Cow mata" is enough for you.
  3. Muhammad Saleem Azam

    Notify PAF Aircraft Crashes

    "Surely we belong to Allah and to Him shall we return" This is a great loss to the Nation, our condolences to Maryum Mukhtiar, we pray that the Almighty Allah gives the family strength to overcome this irreplaceable loss Aa'min.
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