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    Why is talking about Kurdistan an insult to a nation?

    Just because Turkey doesn't like Kurdistan doesn't mean it's not a legitimate issue to discuss, let alone one that deserves a warning. I know moderation issues should be raised in private, but imo, this bares debating. Why is the Kurdistan issue such a no-no?
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    Internet Propaganda

    A sort of light fun thread, but anyone notice the very different natures of the trolls that are employed by the nations of the world Indian:- Two major ways they work. One, praise Modi, attack Pakistan, insult it, keep doing so. Two, act nice, but make scathing remarks. Usually hide their...
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    Laws in Constitution are greater than Elected Leaders

    Just a reminder to Noon Leaguers here that in our democracy and our constitution, the country's laws are higher than elected members. Meaning it doesn't matter if you elected Nawaz for five years, our laws are supreme over an election
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    Imran Khan meeting his leader Modi in India

    What a traitor to the country! PTI needs to be banned
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    Karachi has rejected PTI and other terrorist sympathisers today!

    Today, Karachi have finally said no to the people who wanted peace with Taliban. It said no to people lying to Muhajirs and trying to make them powerless in their own city. Today, we gained back our power! Thank you MQM!

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