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  1. K

    Never again will we risk 100 million Pakistani for 5 mil Kashmiri—never again: Gen Ayub

    Pakistan's so-called china-made nuclear toys won't harm India....Pakistan should forget about nuclear war....Pakistan should keep begging for money to China
  2. K

    Saif Ali Khan backs down; apologizes to Pakistani artists and people

    actually Saif ali Khan has already slapped muslim Pakistanis on their faces....his movie PHANTOM has exposed the reality of Pakistan and the reality is PAKISTAN IS THE EPICENTER OF ISLAMIC TERRORISM.....the damage is already done.....his apology means nothing now
  3. K

    Broadcast of Altaf Hussain's images, speeches banned by LHC

    The notorious Pakistan army and the ISI want to wipe out democracy and democratic parties from Pakistan...Altaf Hussain and MQM stand for democracy and secularism in Pakistan....but Pak army and the ISI want to rule and loot Pakistan.....Both Pak army and the ISI are islamic terrroist...
  4. K

    Never again will we risk 100 million Pakistani for 5 mil Kashmiri—never again: Gen Ayub

    Actually Pakistan cannot afford a war with India....India has beaten and kicked Pakistan in the last 4 wars and has bifurcated it into 2 pieces.....If Pakistan dares India again then Pakistan will become a part of history and there will be 6 countries that will be carved out of Pakistan
  5. K

    Pakistan's fading Parsi community

    actually dumb Pakistani muslims cannot tolerate any other faith......Islam has turned most of the Pakistani muslims into terrorists because Islam supports violence and intolerance....Islam has turned Pakistan into an islamic terrorist state idiot...what Gurudutt has mentioned is dead...
  6. K

    Pakistan's fading Parsi community

    Dutt Sahib...cannot refrain myself from speaking the truth
  7. K

    Pakistan's fading Parsi community

    Parsi community is fading in Pakistan because Pakistani muslims are either killing the Parsis or forcing them to accept Islam...Shame on Pakistani muslims
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