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  1. G

    HAL LCH| Updates and Discussions

    Anyway, there seems to be no new info on the LCH. Think they're becoming more media-savvy and doing the tests in secret, and only announcing them when they tweak the product and succeed, like everyone else in the world. open societies and accountability have their drawbacks. Don't think the...
  2. G

    Can Pakistan take on the Lashkar-e-Tayyaba?

    And which brave Azad Kashmiri decided what would be best for the poor sods next door? Besides, the fact remains that hafiz Saeed mohammed is NOT Kashmiri. Mohammed Ajmal kasab is NOT Kashmiri. Mumbai is NOT in Kashmir. Now don't tell me that the LeT was NOT involved in the Mumbai attacks...
  3. G

    That's what Indian politicians teaching young Indians

    I disagree! It is 10 % comparable! :P Wonder where you got that little statistic... A terrorist is a terrorist, no matter where he lives, or what he believes--Hindu, Muslim, Jew or Christian.
  4. G

    Can Pakistan take on the Lashkar-e-Tayyaba?

    My poin twas that Saeed was the founder of LeT. As the LeT was never a part of the "legitimate" pre-1989 local Kashmiri movement, but a foreign terrorist construct, he should be held accountable in any case--not just "if" he was involved in the Mumbai attacks.
  5. G

    Can Pakistan take on the Lashkar-e-Tayyaba?

    There is a slight problem there. The "legitimate struggle" ended in 1989, after the insurgency was Islamised with the arrival of newly-redudant militants from Afghanistan. Prior to that, it was a domestic, grass-roots struggle which was morally upright and largely peaceful--something that...
  6. G

    That's what Indian politicians teaching young Indians

    A few nutjobs make not a nation. Think you would have learned that from your own little issues in NWFP.
  7. G

    Pakistan's 'secret' war in Baluchistan

    Terrorists are terrorists are terrorists at the end of the day...the "good"/"bad" distinction within the Taliban, Bajrang Dal, and sundry fundamentalists needs to be removed. A blanket call for state action is what is needed. The fact remains that liberation by terrorists will only bring on...
  8. G

    It’s All In The Perception!

    Fine. Our Hindu nutjobs kill Muslims in India, and yes it is wrong. We don't ask for aid money, IMF bailouts and foriegn assistance in fightng our own nutjobs, and hence, it is a domestic affair that we will deal with in due course. Your issues are international by nature, and hence open to...
  9. G

    India, Pakistan locked in their animosities

    There is a very important perception to take into account here--one may refer to South Asia scholars F. Frankel, S.P. Cohen, R. Guha, A. Rashid and an abundance of others--that Pakistan is obsessed with India. I can assure you that India is not obsessed with Pakistan. On the contrary, it is...
  10. G

    India's Revenge: RAW Attacks Cricketers in Pakistan

    PS: India called in the FBI and the Brits to help in the Mumbai investigation to ensure fairness. How's about Pakistan do the same? About time investigators adopt the scientific method--formulate a hypothesis, but don't attempt to draw conclusions before an investigation. India has a history of...
  11. G

    India's Revenge: RAW Attacks Cricketers in Pakistan

    The UN is not going to waste time/money investigating frivolous claims. Those will be left to Pakistani outfits (who will inevitably find a "foreign hand," just about as evident as Adam Smith's "Invisible hand"). Good luck chasing your tails.
  12. G

    The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!

    Sad but unfortunate fact is that he population of Azad Kashmir has been diluted by migration from other parts of Pakistan. India has disallowed migration to Kashmir. I, as an Indian citizen, cannot buy land in Kashmir. Should india allow migration, calls for autonomy would end--Kashmir would be...
  13. G

    Pakistan accuses India and Afghanistan of meddling in Baluchistan.

    Well, this is rather odd, isn't it? Considering that Pakistan is currently fighting a near full-scale war against the Taliban and sundry fundamentalists, I cannot see the point of putting India on trial. The "Indian Links" are tenuous at best. India does not need to do anything to destabilise...
  14. G

    India's Revenge: RAW Attacks Cricketers in Pakistan

    There will always be suspicion when it comes to attacks in India and Pakistan. Pakistan is right to investigate Indian involvement--however, speculation and paranoia helps nobody. As long as the investigative process itself is not affected by conspiracy theorists and jingoism (in both India...
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