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  1. Hassiba-Ben-Bouali

    The Algerian Armed Forces.

    Yes that's related in Kommersant.
  2. Hassiba-Ben-Bouali

    The Algerian Armed Forces.

    New deal : after the contract for a first batch of 14 SU 34, the Algerian Air Force continues to improve her force with a new deal : Algeria will make a deal for a first batch of 12 SUKHOI 35, according to the very professional Kommersant htt ://kommersant.ru/doc/ 2931872 ( i don't have...
  3. Hassiba-Ben-Bouali

    The Algerian Armed Forces.

    Why are you mixing jewish people and israelis ? We are talking about israeli flag, not jew flag. Sorry but Israel is not an other nation in Algeria, and Algeria Will never recognize this flag until Palestinian ask themselves for that, if ! So it's not a symbol and the children pissing on this...
  4. Hassiba-Ben-Bouali

    The Algerian Armed Forces.

    There is nothing to remove !!!!
  5. Hassiba-Ben-Bouali

    The Algerian Armed Forces.

    Rewriting : How much Palestinians prefer Algeria ( their second country as Palestinians say) and Algerians before every other arabians or human... And now how much can Algeria sacrify their kids for our brothers of Palestine, with our President Boumediene asking to Algerian soldiers before to...
  6. Hassiba-Ben-Bouali

    The Algerian Armed Forces.

    For a real country yes, but this one is forbidden in Algeria. This one represents a false State created in a land wich has been stolen.
  7. Hassiba-Ben-Bouali

    The Algerian Armed Forces.

    A message to the "arabians" who hate Algeria in this Forum, from Palestine and from Palestinians themselves.:coffee: An other message from Mohamed Assaf (great palestinian singer) to the haters of Algeria.:rolleyes1:
  8. Hassiba-Ben-Bouali

    The Algerian Armed Forces.

    To Zarvan, with all my respect : The fact is not that Israel isn't an ennemy. Algeria is "in state of war" with Israel since 1967. The fact is that Algeria hasn't any plan to attack Israel or something like that. Because, it is the responsability first of palestinians and arabs of the ME. If...
  9. Hassiba-Ben-Bouali

    The Algerian Armed Forces.

    Algeria is negociating several divisions or SAM system "Antey 2500". .kommersant.ru/doc/2831626. "in the past year, Algeria has ordered two Russian diesel-electric submarines of Project 636 in the amount of approximately $ 1.2 billion, and in April 2015 a batch of 16 Su-30MKA, now preparing a...
  10. Hassiba-Ben-Bouali

    The Algerian Armed Forces.

    Stop flooding. According to Forces Dz Forum, From a lot of good informations have emerged, Algerian Air Force Will be equiped by a new heavy fighter nearby. And new information, it Will be a single place fighter.
  11. Hassiba-Ben-Bouali

    The Algerian Armed Forces.

    Palestinian fighter trained in Algeria with the "17TH RPC".
  12. Hassiba-Ben-Bouali

    The Algerian Armed Forces.

    The second Algerian MI-26 HALO, checked for navigation equipment. Algeria will receive 10 of them.
  13. Hassiba-Ben-Bouali

    The Algerian Armed Forces.

    I don't hate egyptians at all... I have a very great respect for a man such "Nasser" ... But i can't believe a egyptian saying "something like he said about Russia"... It was just a response, and i hope the best to Egypt, and Egyptian people. Nasser with Zohra Drif and Djamila Bouhired ...
  14. Hassiba-Ben-Bouali

    The Algerian Armed Forces.

    Bullshit ! Saudi commando or Egytpian commando shouldn't make any job if the situation is "red alert" like In Amenas case. A proof ? The hostage of Mekka... it's the GIGN which made the job, stop your propaganda !!! You have the only right to act when the alter it's not "international" ... if...
  15. Hassiba-Ben-Bouali

    The Algerian Armed Forces.

    Hello to everyone. Stop joking. Algeria is the only arabic/muslim country Russia consider ! During the "Kippour War", USSR delivered SAM SA-6 system, wich was the best at this time. And what did "the courageaous egyptian soldiers", when TSAHAL arrived ? Did they strongly and courageously...
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