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  1. missile_bang

    Pakistan's ASFC conducts training launch of Shaheen-II MRBM Nov 13, 2014

    Err.....help me understanding this. A rocket which cannot go beyond its maximum range due to "Physics" and that i simply does not have fuel to go over 1500km. How can it be a threat for ships/planes for another 1000 km?
  2. missile_bang

    Pakistan's ASFC conducts training launch of Shaheen-II MRBM Nov 13, 2014

    You dont stop air and sea teaffic for a missile which is "in store" . That would be stupid now. Won't it?
  3. missile_bang

    Pakistan's ASFC conducts training launch of Shaheen-II MRBM Nov 13, 2014

    All of you claiming that Pakistan has only 1500 km range missile. Tell me one thing. Why in 8th and 9th Nov NOTAM Pakistan booked an area 2300Km range? Wouldn't that be plain silly?
  4. missile_bang

    Pakistan today has successfully tested Hatf 4 Shaheen 1A

    Nobody thought why Pakistans nuclear arsenal is increasing in numbers,faster than India? India can build whatever mussile they want,but can they have as many nuclear warheads? Having many missile but not many nukes is same as having gun but no bullets. At leat Pakistan has balanced that equation...
  5. missile_bang

    Pakistan today has successfully tested Hatf 4 Shaheen 1A

    Americans are so backward. Still using minuteman ICBM from 1970s.
  6. missile_bang

    Pakistan's ASFC conducts training launch of Shaheen-II MRBM Nov 13, 2014

    If you look at 13 Nov Notam. The target area selected for the test was 1400km away from sonmiani. From that i guess the missile was tested for 1500km range. Not that ots max range was 1500km.
  7. missile_bang

    Pakistan's ASFC conducts training launch of Shaheen-II MRBM Nov 13, 2014

    "In development" but not deployed yet. Pakistan has two types deployed.
  8. missile_bang

    Pakistan's ASFC conducts training launch of Shaheen-II MRBM Nov 13, 2014

    Guess it is "Truth" that you cannot have a "Training launch" without manufacturing enough of the missiles and the missile being considered mature and gone beyond test phase? May be little things,but have to be magnified and advertised. Specially when none of what i said above,can be deemed "wrong".
  9. missile_bang

    Pakistan's ASFC conducts training launch of Shaheen-II MRBM Nov 13, 2014

    Ok,my mistake. But none of you "Experts" highlighted the significance of "Practice/Training fire"? But spent a 10 page thread to Rubbish the Nov-13th thread. So much for a "Pakistani" forum where people rarely say anything positive about Pakistan.
  10. missile_bang

    Pakistan's ASFC conducts training launch of Shaheen-II MRBM Nov 13, 2014

    Being realistic and out right negative are two different things and you are being the later. If people want to keep their hope alive,you shouldn't try so hard to crush it. No wonder we are in such an abysmal state of discouragement. Look at Indians. India has no Cruise missile until now,save for...
  11. missile_bang

    Pakistan's ASFC conducts training launch of Shaheen-II MRBM Nov 13, 2014

    What none of you روندُو عوام realized that it was the "First ever" training launch of a shaheen-2 missile. That means the manufacturing and deployment of this missile is completed and Pakistan has a few to spare for target practice. This in itself is a very significant milestone.
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