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  1. Cinder

    Why Pakistan's Geography Sucks

    Bhai thora reham We can try Afghanistan by talking to the Taliban and getting most of their leaders on our side, but that's about all we should push for.
  2. Cinder

    Swedish police find body of missing Pakistani journalist Sajid Hussain

    Oh no!! Such a tragedy!!! Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun.
  3. Cinder

    "You're alone, you and Pakistan. A terrorist country."

    I guess its like Afghans and Pakistan... You won't believe the amount of trash they spew against the country that provides them with bread and butter.
  4. Cinder

    "You're alone, you and Pakistan. A terrorist country."

    Bhai kon Armenia [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] we're making enemies we know nothing about. Must he doing something right. Squad [emoji1191][emoji1250][emoji1039]
  5. Cinder

    BloodBath in India Mob Lynch 2 Hindu Saints #IkWariFirModi

    Radical India is what we've prayed for, and its here now. Only a matter of time now till it tears itself again, scenes are looking really similar to 1940s. Rest in oeace obviously, as they were men of God(s) and did not deserve this. But I'm afraid it'll get worse from here and "Akhand"...
  6. Cinder

    India charges Muslim leader with culpable homicide for coronavirus surge

    I fail to care about Indian Muslims unless they are from Kashmir or if its to rub filth in India's face on the world stage. This may qualify for the latter but everyone is too busy with this COVID-19 bull**** to care, just like us.
  7. Cinder

    Nihang Sikhs chop off hand of Police in Punjab for stopping them

    This "human being" wouldn't think twice before blowing your head off, brother.
  8. Cinder

    3 civilians incl. 8 yr old child killed in cross-LoC shelling in Kupwara, Kashmir

    Hiding behind civvies? Come out of there and fight like men
  9. Cinder

    Indian Army used artillery & heavy mortars on LOC targeting Civilian Population

    Of course. Then blame it on Muslims and Pakistanis. I'm thoroughly disgusted that I even share the same race/ethnicity/region/language with this scum. Gandagi sali. Ulti ati he soch k bhi
  10. Cinder

    What Muslim country is ideologically most similar to Pakistan?

    Well. Pakistan is special in the sense that it is the only nation in the world that was formed in the name of Islam and stands by it. As funny as it is, there aren't many that compare in that aspect. The other brethren Muslim nations are either secular or have a single dominant ethnic group or...
  11. Cinder

    What is the purpose of SAARC? Should it be disbanded?

    Its sad how Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka would have like NO chance if India tried to achieve Akhand Bharat using warfare. :(
  12. Cinder

    India's denial of community transmission may come back to haunt it

    You know I never found out how and why India is such a wierd nation. Its almost as if the janta wants to be actively lied to just so they can claim superiority. Insert spreading of the virus by Muslims, downing of F-16, that Kashmiris are all terrorists, Pakistanis are all terrorists, etc...
  13. Cinder

    Guns for new owners: Price, Reliability, Usability

    Yes. All he needs is a rifle that will look KoooL.
  14. Cinder

    Video: Afghans running through Torkham border in HUNDREDS

    They're going back to Afghanistan lmao. I hope any of ours don't return like this, that will be a problem.
  15. Cinder

    Corona and the social boycott of muslims in india

    Feels good to be a Pakistani at the moment[emoji57]
  16. Cinder

    If India is following Israeli model in Kashmir, Pakistan needs to follow the Iranian model

    Don't get me wrong, our prime minster is a good man and he wants to look out for his nation but..... our prime minister is a good man....and he wants to look out for the nation and that's where he stops. He's not big on politics. He let that MiG-21 donkey go free and what did we get in return...
  17. Cinder

    Daesh Attacker Who Attacked Gurdwara in Kabul was reportedly Indian Citizen

    Kudos tp the irrational part. I've had my sikh friends not be bothered by COVID-19 until it started interfering with their work or hobbies I.E boxing etc.... When I tell you most of them told me they'd kill the next Chinese person they see, I'm not even kidding and they said it with a straight...
  18. Cinder

    Daesh Attacker Who Attacked Gurdwara in Kabul was reportedly Indian Citizen

    Well played RAW. Its a good way to get Sikhs on your side and oppress Muslims more. It sucks for Sikhs (Indian Muslims are pretty much dead to me) but well-played... they are more ruthless than ISI in this case. You guys do recall this right...
  19. Cinder

    Support Indian Muslims !!!!

    Oh hahaha. Now ***IS*** the time to taunt this scum. I respect the Hindus of India more than the Muslims. At least they know what they stand for. These "Muslims" always taunt us for not being a secular nation like their ~mother India~, that we will have to get through them first if we want to...
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