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  1. champaign

    latest report of J20 No.2012〖including new pictures!〗

    from——【★超级大本营军事论坛CD★】^_^ look ,images are here,,,
  2. champaign

    latest report of J20 No.2012〖including new pictures!〗

    Today,J20 2012 flew at 10:51 And it flew for about 20 minutes(Not 2 hours ) Besides
  3. champaign

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    ★this is the contast of J20s . o(∩_∩)o
  4. champaign

    ☞☆A brief talk of the real 5 generation aircraft and plans】

    Up to now,there are 3 countries have flown their 〖5 generation aircraft〗——the US.,Russia,and China.And they all do the program by themselves. And many other countries also have their plans——Japan,South Korea,Turkey,Sweden,Indonesia...... Besides,lots of countries join the F35 program. But in...
  5. champaign

    Another Turkic ethnic of China---- Salar people

  6. champaign

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    The first time I saw J20,I feel it is a great success!★↑ science then,I gradually fall in love with military.☞It is J20 that make me grow!From the 【2001】 to 〖2011〗,〖2012〗... I really find the great progress of my homeland. Now,three are three country have flown their 5 generation...
  7. champaign

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    As high school student I am,I have great interest in military for ages.I know this forum about 2years ago,but I hadn't Login until yesterday. I am a chine se live in china. Long live the friendship of China and pakistan!让我们一起奋斗!加油!!!:china::pakistan::yahoo: ^_^
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