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  1. R-X

    Malala Yousafzai to receive Anne Frank courage award

    how can u say that to me ................... nauzubilla ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,this thing make u infidel .................. yeah ur ................... cox its very clear Islam has nothing to do with it at all,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,u may be one of them cox u don't respect Islam and also not likely to be...
  2. R-X

    Malala Yousafzai to receive Anne Frank courage award

    nope faujihistorian can't be a Muslim! please don't blame Islam and Sharia for all this happening now in Pakistan everyone knows there are few foreign agencies behind all this game. brother I can say that TTP and all those ppl who kill any human can't be a Muslim,they are doing all these...
  3. R-X

    Obama, defense leadership to meet over Afghanistan on Tuesday

    we can't breathe in peace until they leave:angry:
  4. R-X

    Malala Yousafzai to receive Anne Frank courage award

    TBH I don't like this girl!!!
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