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  1. hadoken

    Is Tibet Part of China?

    never the less, most eastern China (including big cities Sanghai, and Beiging) was indeed part of imperial Japan. I dont think my analogy is too far off because in both cases you have community A being taken over by community B. I need you to know that I am in no way glorifying war and nor...
  2. hadoken

    Is Tibet Part of China?

    let me ask you this, had China not been liberated from the grips of Imperial Japan in the 40s, would you have assumed yourself to have been a Japanese or would you call yourself Chinese?
  3. hadoken

    Is Tibet Part of China?

    By law and under the recognition of the countries you mentioned above , it can be concluded that Tibet is "part of China". Those are made by signatures written between men in a room. So no one is disputing the legality of the issue. Dalai Lama does not speak for the entirely of Tibet does he...
  4. hadoken

    Is Tibet Part of China?

    NOP Go ask a Tibetan is Tibet is part of China. Will Tibet ever see a sovereign nation again? Unfortunately not because China is a powerful country.
  5. hadoken

    Taj Mahal is built on a Shiv Temple, claims Dwarka Peeth Shankracharya

    Are there other rampantly developing regions in the world that let Idiots voice their opinions? If India really prides itself as being a secular and multicultural society (like it says it does), why would they let retards run amok in front of the media? I get that it does eventually come...
  6. hadoken

    Pew Report: Jews and Hindus are most highly-educated in US

    how does one conclude that the faith of a person being is reason behind that persons economic/academic gains? If that were the case, why are majority of the hindus in India and around the world living under abject poverty?
  7. hadoken

    Pew Report: Jews and Hindus are most highly-educated in US

    thanks bro. Its taken a lot out of my people. But we have to have a positive attitude and hope for a better tomorrow. Your government's help has been greatly appreciated by our people. No body cared about the whole "beef masala" fiasco but the Indian media.
  8. hadoken

    Pew Report: Jews and Hindus are most highly-educated in US

    haha you have just given me 2 random articles, without actually telling me what you are trying to prove. So I will play your game. So its been established that Blacks are economically withheld compared to their white counter parts. I have already mentioned that myself. I did how ever say that...
  9. hadoken

    Pew Report: Jews and Hindus are most highly-educated in US

    LOL what stat? Send me a link which states that 50% of the black population in America live in the Ghetto and lead a lifestyle which goes against the mainstream?
  10. hadoken

    Pew Report: Jews and Hindus are most highly-educated in US

    lol what exactly do you base that on? you are throwing numbers out of thin air. You dont even live here. Anyways i dont want to get into a pointless argument with you. Going back to the point I was trying to make..The driving factor as to why some blacks are treated badly by the mainstream is...
  11. hadoken

    Pew Report: Jews and Hindus are most highly-educated in US

    I am saying that while Jews are rich, they are not safe from marginalization from the mainstream. Wealth does not directly co relate with social status is what I am saying. The youtube videos you see are done as parodies :lol: OMG. So ghetto blacks represent the norm, but I suppose rednecks...
  12. hadoken

    Pew Report: Jews and Hindus are most highly-educated in US

    LOL Blacks dont just live in the inner city. THey are not subjected to live away from these so called " white communities" because of their race and creed. Your mortgage and where you live is decided by your credit score. So while you are partially right about under representations of blacks...
  13. hadoken

    Pew Report: Jews and Hindus are most highly-educated in US

    Social status does not automatically correlate with higher income (see Jews). There is racism and then there is social segregation. Blacks play a huge role in defining the social make up of America. Dalits on the other hand do not.
  14. hadoken

    Pew Report: Jews and Hindus are most highly-educated in US

    Actually North America is one of the few places where a person without a formal /post secondary education can make a decent living. Blacks are not the social pariah they are made out to be in American society (well according to people on this forum). Infact the "American culture" (music...
  15. hadoken

    Aryan invasion theory denial

    Andamans have nothing to do with South Asia. They only reason it is associated with South Asia is because the Islands (which btw is closer to Indonesia+Malaysia and other SEA islands than say, Sri Lanka - geographically) happen to be under Indian Governments authority. That would be like me...
  16. hadoken

    What Are You Listening to Right Now - Round 2

    some 90s hip-hop mix [youtube]
  17. hadoken

    Aryan invasion theory denial

    lol sorry to revive a dead thread but why the hell is a guys posing as me ? :lol: Anyone who knows me from anthroscape knows I dont form my sentences like this FOB .
  18. hadoken

    Is Mahendra Rajapaksha a Hindu or a Buddhist ?

    Well i think the term "hinduism" itself is something that was coined by foreigners. It pretty much included all the religious /spiritual practices from around the sub continent. The "hindu" as the world knows it now is a product of religious melting pot created in India within the last...
  19. hadoken

    Is Mahendra Rajapaksha a Hindu or a Buddhist ?

    Well I cant speak for people from communities outside of my own , but where my folks are from (the actual birth place of Buddhism) people view the teachings of Buddhism as part of the overall "hindu dharma". The tamil and Sinhalese disputes probably is charged by ethnic / socio economic...
  20. hadoken

    Is Mahendra Rajapaksha a Hindu or a Buddhist ?

    why do people outside of Nepal see Buddhism and hinduism as 2 separate religion :lol: Dis this originally stem out of caste disputes?
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