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  1. E

    help required from senior members

    Hello all, my cousin brother want some suggestion or advise he says, i have got 62% marks in first year of college and in second year as you know all that nowadays people do give money for getting the good grade as it is also is done by his father, when result came, the thing is he is keen to...
  2. E

    hi all

    i am sorry to all of you that i was not giving my reply. i live in hyderabad sindh. and let me tell you all that i am trying to overcome from this with different activities at my home but i will not go to any psychologists, because i don't know what kind of treatment they will give to me, i...
  3. E

    hi all

    thanks for ur rep yes talking to stranger it occurs and in normal interaction when light is there. when this anxiety occurs i counsel myself and control it up to my level but sometime it is not in my control or for me very difficult to control it. i think this is because i take alot of tension...
  4. E

    hi all

    hi friends, i need some help if u people can help so suggest me. from some time i have anxiety problem in speaking. i have search this in internet and come to know about me that this is anxiety, and mostly it occurs when there is alot of light is there or simply light is there and when there is...
  5. E

    hi all

    how are u all:pakistan:
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