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  1. albator

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    DEAR NOOD IN CHIEF.... thanks and yes we can move on ....
  2. albator

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    "developed indigenously,".................... Made indigenously mean build inside the country, thanks the country men power.... according to ur logic IRAN DOESN'T BUILD "indigenously" cars because cars were invented in US ? Bulshit...even the israehellis made a lot of copies they called...
  3. albator

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    NOW anyway... iran need to get the bomb nuclear deal or not... that close the CHAPTER once for all... even if you wait another decade. In somes way he is right..... nothing worth a GOOD NUCLEAR DETTERRENCE.... as long as iran has not detonate a nuclear test.....ennemies will not give up...
  4. albator

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    You should congratulate your iranians brother rather than jalous them.... israel has killed 10 of yours in 2010 in international water.. like pirates....
  5. albator

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    Hey brother i m maroc, sunni living in france... AND I SAY CONGRATULATION those who say this, or that ... bla bla are just jalous... wahabit (bit = penis in french) have spend almost 2 trillions dollars purchassing US made weapons.. and they can't even use it as it must be. CONGRATULATION...
  6. albator

    Iran completes indigenous missile system Bavar-373

    pakistan get 2 billions each years from US, your nuclear program has been paid by saudia, and lybia, while iran pay all by itself for itself ! DESPIST THE HARSH SANCTION THEY GET NOW. And, since the india-china war, you get help from china too, in manys areas... FROM nuclear to aircrafts...
  7. albator

    Iran completes indigenous missile system Bavar-373

    Iran is impressive. if their technology was not so deterrent for US, they would have attacked it long time ago. As a weapons advisor to the pentagon explained somes times ago: iran do not need to match russian s-300 100%, even not 80%, but just 50%, if their system is 50% of the quality of...
  8. albator

    US Secretary:We will continue to aggressively enforce our sanctions over the next six months

    "Agressively" the only langage they know is non respect: IF sanctions fail iranians aren't fucked ALL, NO !!!! they will go after nuclear weapons.. even if it mean accepting a military strike. Dream on ! IF US do not accept iranian inalienable right for uranium enrichment..... so iran will...
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