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  1. J

    Reference filed against Justice Waqar

    Treason is against Pakistani law, have not realised that yet? btw AS and NS need to be brought to account too.
  2. J

    Reference filed against Justice Waqar

    nobody in Pakistan is above the law including Musharraf, if he had any integrity he would not of ran away like a thief. did your idol act like a "real man" or a gutless coward to scared to have his day in court. musharraf is a corrupt thief who stole money from Muzaffarabad eathquake relief...
  3. J

    Reference filed against Justice Waqar

    btw i am not potwari
  4. J

    Urgent Gen Pervez Musharaf Press Conference APML, India & Pakistan Politics

    Pervez Musharraf is guilty of high treason under article 6 of Pakistan’s constitution—for suspending the constitution when he imposed a state of emergency in November 2007 and this crime is punishable by death under the law of Pakistan. Article 6 holds that a person who “abrogates or subverts or...
  5. J

    Reference filed against Justice Waqar

    Pervez Musharraf is guilty of high treason under article 6 of Pakistan’s constitution—for suspending the constitution when he imposed a state of emergency in November 2007—and sentenced to death. Article 6 holds that a person who “abrogates or subverts or suspends or holds in abeyance” the...
  6. J

    PM Imran: Modi to do ‘something’ in AJK

    Pakistan is outnumbered and therefore can not win an offensive war
  7. J

    Explosive video from Dubai ...this is our judiciary

    Musharraf the kanjar is a thief too, NAB need to check him out..............after they hang the traitor He stole the money from Muzzafarabad earthquake relief fund which was in his name
  8. J

    An opinion from a Turkish brother: Pakistan's best response to Indian actions

    only a misguided idiotic secularist turk would promote this crap, act like a kafir to win their praise....spoken like a first grade brown nosed munafiq. Ataturk was a kafir jew who destroyed your country and now you want the same for Pakistan. We dont need jewish donmeh to teach us how to run...
  9. J

    Reference filed against Justice Waqar

    musharraf deserves far worse, this sellout munafiq needs beheading at the very least.
  10. J

    Reference filed against Justice Waqar

    i never said corrupt people are better but there is no point replacing one harami with another. no point blaming NS or Zardari for Musharrafs death sentence. Mushy and his lust for power and glory only has himself to blame for that.
  11. J

    Why Imran Should Stay Clear of These Crooks

    thats the sort of reply one expects from a non muslim not a muslim.
  12. J

    Reference filed against Justice Waqar

    i thought Imran Khan promised to end corruption within 3 months. LMAO zardari, nawaz and the lawyers have all been charged. blame Imran khans government for not bringing Nawaz Sharif to justice, i bet some fat envelopes were passed under the table. Musharraf needs to be hanged to deter any...
  13. J

    Reference filed against Justice Waqar

    no person in Pakistan should be above the law whether he is an general or a ex dictator thief who ran away with the nations money. Remember President Musharraf Muzzafarabad earthquake relief fund? Where did all the money go? It was never spent on Muzaffarabad. Musharraf was a power hungry thief...
  14. J

    How to fix Pakistan's crushing economy

    atif mian is a kafir just like all qadianis are you an ahmedi by any chance? the ahmedis have always been traitors and allied with our enemies.
  15. J


    didnt your idol imran khan promise to hang himself instead of going to IMF, i have a rope here if he needs it.
  16. J

    Reference filed against Justice Waqar

    votes mean nothing when the army selects the leader
  17. J

    Why Imran Should Stay Clear of These Crooks

    Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Among the signs of a munafiq are three, even if he fasts and prays and claims to be a Muslim: when he speaks he lies, when he gives a promise he breaks it, and when he is trusted he betrays.” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ...
  18. J

    Musharraf's sentence pained every soldier of Pak Army: Ch Shujaat Hussain

    Musharraf needs to be hanged to deter any other generals who lust for power and think they can overthrow the government and there will be no consequences for their illegal actions. Its time the army looked after our borders and stayed out of parliamentary and judicial affairs which are none of...
  19. J

    Musharaf handed over death sentence

    Musharraf needs to be hanged to deter any other generals who lust for power and think they can overthrow the government and there will be no consequences for their illegal actions. Its time the army looked after our borders and stayed out of parliamentary and judicial affairs which are none of...
  20. J

    The most insulting detailed judgement in Musharraf case

    Musharraf needs to be hanged to deter any other generals who lust for power and think they can overthrow the government and there will be no consequences for their illegal actions. Its time the army looked after our borders and stayed out of parliamentary and judicial affairs which are none of...
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