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    Lee Kuan Yew

    A long time is 50 years in this case. India was a geographical expression, as stated by Winston Churchill.
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    Lee Kuan Yew

    India will continue to grow in spite of the gov. But that is the fact every where. Indian gov just do more to hinder its growth than China or even American gov. So India would not grow as fast.
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    Lee Kuan Yew

    American diversity stem from people coming from different countries but live among Americans. Indian diversity is from difference between states. In America, there are concentration of Cubans in FL, Mexican in South West, Asians in the west, Northern Europeans in the upper Midwestern state. But...
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    Lee Kuan Yew

    He made a straight forward analysis of India. Just because your disagreement with the ground reality doesn't mean that fail with his logic. US has immigrants from different country. But the parent country of US is Britain, same as India. So English is the language that unite Americans, same as...
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    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions

    How do you pronounce it? Is the word "j" pronounce as "h"?
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    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions

    Tejas is Texas in Spanish.
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    Lee Kuan Yew

    Until India have a higher rate of growth than China, any prediction of "India over take China in ### years" is premature. Its too early to make that prediction. And as what Mr Lee says, India is a country put together by British imperialism. Its actually 32 countries, each with its own...
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    Lee Kuan Yew

    But he was correct to point out that India was created by the British as an artificial country. India is a geographic expression, not a country in the traditional sense. It only become a country because of the victory of the British over rival Europeans in India. India has the world's largest...
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    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions

    The can just call LCA the "Texas" plane?
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    China Sentences 4 Mekong Smugglers to Death

    If Indian gov has any cajones, it would demand the 26/11 killers. But we all know the shortcomings of the Indian gov. I think the PLA should send in troops and rain hell on the drug lords. Only china has the ability and the will to absorb the kind of casualty for these kind of operation.
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    HQ-9 Surface to Air Missile and Pakistan Air Force

    I think India gov and military contribute more to PDF as any plans of military purchase and projects are disclosed at inception phase to allow guys here to have a field day. Pakistan doesn't treat military matters as a purpose of political bragging.
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    PAK wants to have normal relations with India: Air Chief

    There will be no peace between the two countries until both sides refrain from killing the border troops for at least 10 years. Otherwise, all talks are useless because any such incident would derail any peace process. First, stop all these senseless murders and then talk peace.
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    Bridging Asia: China or India - Who will be ahead in 2030?

    How can you tell whether someone is a lower caste by just looking at the picture?
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    Dream of fitting indigenous Kaveri engine into LCA-Tejas over

    LCA is now designed around the GE engine. And unfortunately, this engine failed the high altitude test. So LCA is delayed yet again.
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    US Will Not Allow The Reconstruction of USSR - Eurasian Union

    And you are worse than Hong Wu, TimeTravel or Enemy.
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    Americans Are Convinced That China Is The Most Powerful Economy In The Worl

    America needs a powerful enemy. The "Islamic terrorists" is a natural choice but they are not a real country. So this burden falls on China.
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    Why do some people hate Sonia Gandhi so much?

    India had prosper under white British rule. Maybe you should give her a try. If it does not work out, in 2030, you guys can make her a servant.
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    Dream of fitting indigenous Kaveri engine into LCA-Tejas over

    Well, the real mile stone for Kaveri is that it was slated for trains ships UCA and then MCA but not LCA, which it was originally designed for. Best of lock for future of Kaveri. The first thing is to find a partner. If not, cancel the project.
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    China nears approval of $16 billion domestic jet-engine plan: Xinhua

    India has not abandoned engine development. They are doing joint ventures, which had proven being successful for them like Brahmos and MKI.
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    Are you talking about an Indian project?
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