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  1. B

    Hafiz Saeed and Syed Ali Gillani in program with Kashif Abbasi

    If i agree with you atleast the alleged perpetrators where caught in the end. no one is perfect and we are not in denial mode for everything like Pakistan is. Hafiz Saeed is just doing things to satisfy his thirst for revenge against Indians for alleged atrocities on his family at the time of...
  2. B

    Hafiz Saeed and Syed Ali Gillani in program with Kashif Abbasi

    The fact that the people allegedly involved in the Samjhauta express blasts are in jail and are being trialled by Indian Judiciary and if proven guility will be punished, it proves that how India functions and even with India giving proofs of hafeez saeed's involvement in 26/11 Mumbai attacks he...
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