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  1. Diviner

    Two PAF personnel shot dead in gawadar

    This is exactly what these rouge agencies (CIA,Raw,Moassad,MI6 ) want our armed forces to do. Killing our own people, opening up a new front in Baluchistan, One by one in all corners of pakistan (FATA & Swat operation) then mass suicide bombings & well planned terrorist attacks in punjab then...
  2. Diviner

    Two PAF personnel shot dead in gawadar

    AOA Just read the news on bbc/urdu 2 paf personnel shot dead in gawadar, supposedly target killing according to the news source. INALILAHAY WAINA EILAIHI RAJIUON
  3. Diviner

    CM-400AKG: Pakistan's supersonic carrier killer

    AOA, Can this missile be fire from our f-22p frigates ?
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